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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. The moderators he is speaking of didn't MEAN to start an argument, and they didn't participate in the ensuing flame war. If it's the one I think he is speaking of, that is. The timing of the post makes me think it is the one I saw.
  2. I seriously don't see how I didn't make this list.
  3. 5 I think. Idk, hard to keep track. That's not including layovers and whatnot. What is your favorite weapon? In real life or video games?
  4. The thing is that yes, in the most part people have stopped fighting in posts. However, there is still fighting disrupting the shoutbox. About anything, really. Whenever I see it I personally get annoyed, because half the time it is dedicated or trusted members engaging in it. I guess these members (who will remain unnamed but they damned well know who they are) think that being a dedicated member is just for the shiny new member name. That's not how it's supposed to work though. New members are supposed to be able to look up to trusted and dedicated members. How can someone look up to someone who is calling someone dirty names instead of taking the high road and just ignoring them? I sure as hell wouldn't ask a guy how to do something when I saw him rage at someone for 15 minutes straight, ignoring all other lines of dialogue but the ones from the person he is raging at. It's immature and imbecilic. If you can't help yourself then you shouldn't be a trusted or dedicated member.
  5. Best line in a Machinima EVER! "F*** yeah! My s*** explodes!" xD
  6. Well that's what I'm saying. For the next map pack, it will be all other people's.
  7. I... Like... Parties that never end. Burritos at 6 AM. Dogs that love cats. And twins. ;D If you get that joke, you win +50 internetz.
  8. Hey guess what? It IS a sick joke! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deLmn-1rMAg&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  9. Well it wouldn't be fair to use other people's maps in a Map Pack that's dubbed "The Director's Cut". However, if people PM me links to their maps after the online fileshare is back, then I will probably come out with a couple of other map packs with a different name.
  10. I just played a game on Reach and went -1 not too long ago. Shortly after the game I got a message from a guy who was complaining the entire game about getting paired with randoms. The message read something like, "F*** you you f***ing donkey f***er! You Godd***ed BKs ruin Halo. Go play COD you c***sucker!". The funny part is that he went -10. I sent him a message back saying, "Look at your stats dude." Didn't get one back. lol
  11. I wouldn't mind it if they slowed it down a bit, that's for sure. Another thing they can do is instead of making parts of the story DLC, just include them in the game. Armor and weapons that you have to buy should also be better than what's in the game, so you can actually use them IN GAME. If it's just costumes, that's fine, but it REALLY gets on my nerves when I spring for some DLC weapons and they are barely stronger than the starter weapons. A for instance would be Fable 3 and Dragon Age. Dragon Age, to it's credit, had a good deal of decent DLC, but some of it was just ridiculous.
  12. Well I'm hoping that the online fileshare will be back by the end of the month, but if it isn't then we will have to do this the good ol' fashioned way. I'll try to get AD to put them up on the forum account so it's easier and I'm not spammed with requests lol
  13. Well, the time is finally here. The announcement of the 343i Community Map Pack, dubbed "The Director's Cut" by Absolute Dog! This Map Pack includes 5 maps, three of which have never been seen before by anyone on this forum! The map pack is released! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/11224-its-here-at-last/ These maps are intended for usage in 343i.org Community Playdates, so if you reinvent one of the maps and it seems more playable, don't forget to let party leader know during the playdate so that your version of the maps can be played as well. Here is a brief summary of the maps that will be in the map pack. Walkway: If you were part of the first ever forge contest on the forum, you may remember the map Walkway. This map is a multi-tier map that supports every gametype with the exception of Invasion. It can support up to 16 players FFA and in Red and Blue teams. Tenochtitlan: Tenochtitlan was released earlier this year, and supports every gametype except for Invasion. It is a map that focuses on the advantages of height, and includes some rather humorous aesthetics. This map was made mainly for team slayer, but supports free for all as well. Up to 16 players in Red and Blue teams and in FFA. The Playground: This map has replaced Equilibrium. This map was originally made for Team SWAT, but was recently made into a full blown battleground for Team and FFA gametypes. It has 3 levels, and is COMPLETELY symmetrical. Playable with Red and Blue teams, this map is made for all team and ffa gametypes with the exception of invasion. Shreya's Bridge: This recently completed map was done almost completely offline, and has not been seen by any member of the forum. This map is made for BTB, but is still fun to play in FFA. It is a bridge, as the name suggests, that is between two bases. The arrangement of cover as well as the design of the bridge makes it a rather unique map. It supports every gametype except invasion, and up to 16 players in Red and Blue teams as well as FFA. High Tide: This map was donated by Colin Goree (aka Nocturnparadox) and includes a game type as well. This map is considered "completed" so if you decide to make changes to it, then you will have to change the name of the map itself. Remember, if you don't like the maps after they are released, feel free to make some changes. Add a wall here, or a scorpion there. After this map pack is finished, I will start working on maps that are "Heavy" and made for BTB. (Also, an internet high five will be given to whomever can tell me who Shreya's Bridge was named after. ;D)
  14. Socialism. Let's be honest, done properly it's a better system. Knife or a dagger?
  15. Yeah... I've done that already too...
  16. A link to the thread would have been nice. >.>
  17. Politicians, religion, and hatred. Have you heard of Sixx A.M.?
  18. The Cyclops is on Halo Wars, if I recall correctly. And the Forerunner War Sphinx is mentioned in Cryptum, book one of the Forerunner Saga.
  19. Alright, let me know in PM if you have anymore problems with them I'll see what I can do for you.
  20. I just taught Biggles how to Hyperlink. Just for the record. :D

  21. http://artifact.at.ua/_ld/0/1_00000309120654.png Image incomplete. Cannot decipher. All codes on left side of image 1 (one) numeral incomplete. Please correct this 69086 AURORA CYGNUS.
  22. I see what could be an elites face in the center of his visor.
  23. The sound an Aztec Asshawk makes
  24. There is something on my mind. It's on my mind all the time. What is this something you may ask? Telling you is quite a task. For I fear it may be lame... but I'm afraid I've lost The Game.

    1. One


      what game?

    2. ZB-85


      I'm afraid I have lost the same.

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