If you need help with a map (smoothing edges, creating a game-type specific map) post your help request here. Just fill this out:
Gamertag: Yourgamertaghere
Link to map (if you would like me to edit it for you): Filesharelinkgoes.here
What you need done: Please explain what you would like me to assist you with here.
Things that should be known about the map: Please tell me anything I need to know about what you are trying to accomplish with the map here (No spawn trapping, no heavy weapons, vehicle only map, etc.)
If you would like me to create a map for your clan or your own personal amusement, please fill this one out:
Gamertag: Yourgtaggoeshere
What kind of map: FFA, Team Slayer, Objective, Clan meeting ground, training map (if so which type of training), etc.
How many players: numberofplayersforthemaphere
Any specifics you would like included: Floating map, Island Map, Big Empty Room map, Maze, Round, Square, 30 degree tilt, etc.
I can also assist with Gametypes. I will post here and message you on XBL when your map is completed. Thank you.