In Halo CE (the first one) they did not have random bullet spreads in single shot weapons. This is why you could kill people (fully shielded people at that) from across Blood Gulch with the magnum. In Halo 2 all weapons were hit-scan, no random bullet spread, and went where you pointed them (except fully automatic and covenant). Halo 3 introduced non-hitscan weapons with random bullet spread. The BR was a 3 bullet burst. The first bullet went directly in the middle of the reticle every time, perfectly. Th other 2 bullets had a percentage chance to land inside of the reticle, second bullet a higher chance than the third. The Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle, Carbine, and the Pistol were all hit-scan and (with the exception of the carbine) went exactly dead center of the reticle with each shot.
Reach introduced the single fire DMR, if the bloom is reset completely the bullet will go directly in the center of the reticle AND the weapons are hit-scan but if you spam your shots, the bullets start to stray from their intended target. In other words, if you are pointing directly at someone's head, and firing your little heart out, then the bullets will hit the head once or twice, then hit the area AROUND the head after that. And there is no such thing as "dealing with inaccuracy" because inaccuracy is random, and therefor uncontrollable. So instead of a game of skill, you are just rolling dice on where your shots after the second one fired are going to land. This is why people spam the crap out of the pistol and DMR. To increase the odds of the bullets actually hitting their target. It takes four shots from the DMR to pop a shield, and if someone is spamming, those four shots will hit WAY faster than if someone is actually aiming and pacing their shots to compensate for the bullet spread. And the AF (after first) shots in Halo Reach are FAR more random than the ones in Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3. If you took the randomness of all three games and added them up, it would probably be HALF of Reach.
Take our match on the Classic Slayer game we played. I didn't even AIM with half my shots, just pointed and pulled the trigger as many times as possible, and still got a pretty decent score. If it was Halo 1 or 2, that type of behavior would have gotten me a -15 spread. Even on Halo 3 it was a game of aim rather than spray and pray.
Don't get me wrong, I like Reach, I just do not want to see an inhuman hybrid of COD and Halo. COD doesn't take skill to own on. I am HORRIBLE at games like that, and I was first prestige two days after the game came out. I don't care if Halo changes, just as long as it's for the better. Halo is a legendary franchise, and deserves more than being turned into just another fps.
But anyways, we are a bit off topic now. For me, dual wielding is a go.