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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. All I can say is it's getting harder to find a copy of Halo 2 (I don't have the HD space available to dl it from arcade if they have it there) and I would LOVE to get achievements and see stats for it. And all I can say is, "for a brick, he flew pretty good."
  2. I am liking 343i's version of Halo more and more
  3. Love that game. Stars Wars Battlefront 2* btw lol the first one didn't have space combat
  4. lulz, I'm not going to lie, sometimes when I am in the mood to mess around I will listen to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL2Wts_RVmU
  5. Ok, my ideas for playlists. 1. A Custom Game Playlist: A playlist where people can pop into random custom games or create their own custom game. For those who enjoy custom games. 2. A Playlist for Shwatguns and Shotty Snipes: obviously people miss shwatguns, but don't want to deal with playing them in actual Team SWAT, so this playlist is for them. 3. A playlist for capture the flag: Bungie did this, but only for a limited time. It would be cool to see it return. You can comment on which you think are awesome and which are not, as well as add ideas of your own Keep your arguments intelligent, rather than just saying things like "oh, I hate custom games so why would there be a playlist cause I'm totally the only person who plays this game in the world"
  6. There are ways to create custom games like this, the only trouble is finding players willing to play custom games with you xD And this actually has led me to an idea! I gotta create a thread, brb
  7. In Halo CE (the first one) they did not have random bullet spreads in single shot weapons. This is why you could kill people (fully shielded people at that) from across Blood Gulch with the magnum. In Halo 2 all weapons were hit-scan, no random bullet spread, and went where you pointed them (except fully automatic and covenant). Halo 3 introduced non-hitscan weapons with random bullet spread. The BR was a 3 bullet burst. The first bullet went directly in the middle of the reticle every time, perfectly. Th other 2 bullets had a percentage chance to land inside of the reticle, second bullet a higher chance than the third. The Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle, Carbine, and the Pistol were all hit-scan and (with the exception of the carbine) went exactly dead center of the reticle with each shot. Reach introduced the single fire DMR, if the bloom is reset completely the bullet will go directly in the center of the reticle AND the weapons are hit-scan but if you spam your shots, the bullets start to stray from their intended target. In other words, if you are pointing directly at someone's head, and firing your little heart out, then the bullets will hit the head once or twice, then hit the area AROUND the head after that. And there is no such thing as "dealing with inaccuracy" because inaccuracy is random, and therefor uncontrollable. So instead of a game of skill, you are just rolling dice on where your shots after the second one fired are going to land. This is why people spam the crap out of the pistol and DMR. To increase the odds of the bullets actually hitting their target. It takes four shots from the DMR to pop a shield, and if someone is spamming, those four shots will hit WAY faster than if someone is actually aiming and pacing their shots to compensate for the bullet spread. And the AF (after first) shots in Halo Reach are FAR more random than the ones in Halo CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3. If you took the randomness of all three games and added them up, it would probably be HALF of Reach. Take our match on the Classic Slayer game we played. I didn't even AIM with half my shots, just pointed and pulled the trigger as many times as possible, and still got a pretty decent score. If it was Halo 1 or 2, that type of behavior would have gotten me a -15 spread. Even on Halo 3 it was a game of aim rather than spray and pray. Don't get me wrong, I like Reach, I just do not want to see an inhuman hybrid of COD and Halo. COD doesn't take skill to own on. I am HORRIBLE at games like that, and I was first prestige two days after the game came out. I don't care if Halo changes, just as long as it's for the better. Halo is a legendary franchise, and deserves more than being turned into just another fps. But anyways, we are a bit off topic now. For me, dual wielding is a go.
  8. I like the idea, and think it should be added. Like, in the options part where you can invert your controller instead of an actual button to do it. I probably wouldn't use it though, so I could see the sides and rear of the hog to avoid people that shouldn't be in the gunner seat (the other team, for instance) from hopping in and tearing up my team...
  9. lmao it would take more than just you to get it to happen though xD
  10. I love Dubstep. But only the ones that go WHOOPWOPWOPWOWPWOPWOPWHOOOP
  11. Look up my stats. Then see how much SWAT I play. Then look how many assassinations I have. It's actually easier on SWAT thanks to reticle bloom and lack of a motion tracker. All you have to do is surprise someone, and they start spamming. Then you rotate your camera in their general direction and once the cinematic is finished just aim a little bit more and pull the trigger for the double. If there are more then one, maybe you will get a triple. I've only been showstopped two or three times (that I remember) in all of the games I've played, and it was NEVER from a headshot, because during the assassination cinematic your head moves erratically and is harder to hit than if you were sprinting.
  12. Except that the filters of which you speak actually prevent people from creating crude gamertags for x-box live. Trust me, tried to make one that was WILDLY inappropriate. And I know two people who have changed their g-tags by having people report them. The system used is the same one for reports about system tampering and glitching. If there are enough reports about system tampering and glitching, then BLAMO, autobanned. The system was created with the logic of "Well, whatever filter we make, someone will figure out a way through it, and we have more important things to do, so if it offends enough people then we will make them change it." You would be surprised at how few people who have gtags that say things like "Baibeetr91" actually get forced to change their tags.
  13. Mine is a mix of Mudvayne, Disturbed, MSI, Eminem, Sugar Ray, Smashing Pumpkins and a few dozen other rock/rap/alternative artists that equal about 360 or so songs.
  14. Alright, I have seen topics like this in other forums, but didn't see one here, so I figured I would put it here What is your favorite song/songs to listen to while playing Halo Reach? Is it an Album, a Radio, or just a mixed CD or MP3 player? Or, do you prefer to just listen to the games music and side effects? No tagging/bashing people for their music preferences either.
  15. I'm really not sure how it would work, but if they made it work, I would play it. I've always wanted a MMORPG for the 360 Well, one that isn't pay to play...
  16. Spam bots. Why do they even call it spam anyways? Isn't spam a lunch meat? What does lunch meat have to do with the internet and annoying people by flooding posts? Ah, but I digress. Spam bots are bad mmkay.
  17. No. Just... No. Not even a little bitty bit. My head will explode if they have AA's in Halo 4 without a very good way of explaining them.
  18. Eh, maybe an option to change it from horizontal to vertical, because some people DO play better that way (for whatever reason). It's sort of like the whole "inverted" thing though. It's not something that really matters, but it might help some play better.
  19. You can add me, mine is easier to remember lol AAN2
  20. Welcome to the 343i forum
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