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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. I change my vote from Tony to myself. Yeah, I'm mafian. Oh and Frankenstein, don't revive me.
  2. February 2015 Member of the Month! A day late, perhaps, however it is better late than never. This member is renowned across the forums and has quite a few accomplishments under his cap. He's a bit of a troll (still in training but he's getting better) but is known for being both verbose and eloquent, sometimes even at the same time. He's been very active around the forums for quite a while and is known for his roguish sense of humor. He is considered a friend by many and has been reviewed for this award a few times. Now he finally gets it, and it couldn't be more well deserved. Well maybe it could, but still. I mean, none of us are perfect. Except for me. But I digress. Who could this be, you ask? Why it's none other than... Congratulations, I hope you enjoy your month in pink!
  3. Literally the only reason I join these games is to make sure that the other moderators and staff members die. If I accomplish that, then I win, regardless of what your rudimentary rules say. I don't care about avoiding detection, and barely care about surviving.
  4. Welcome back. With a bang, I see. Excellent.
  5. Guys... If I was mafia the first to be hit would be a moderator. Same if I had any type of role allowing me to kill someone. Like Tony, Church, or EK. C'mon. You know how I play. Also, true to form I vote Tony, because he voted for me and he's a moderator.
  6. The log was started in May of last year. So yes, now we do. Before the log though, no.
  7. Jeez, I don't even know. Definitely 20+. With shoutbans probably more than 50.
  8. Those who are participating in the USF Presidential Election will want to read this: http://343i.org/2p0

  9. Hey all of you who are enjoying the USF Presidency race. This is a reminder that we do not allow abusive behavior on these forums. "Well what do you mean Director?" I mean all of the mud slinging and put-downing and such that has become commonplace in this year's election. "Psh. Whatever. What'cha going to do about it?" I'll ban you. "No way, you're bluffing man." No I'm not. I love banning people. As a matter of fact, this post serves as your first and only warning against this behavior, so you should probably read it closely. Staff Response Any further derogatory comments towards any members who are running in the presidential election by other members running in the presidential election or their supporters will result in a 7 day complete ban from this forum. "Well what does that entail?" Any presidential candidate or supporter of a candidate that is caught speaking in an abusive manner or 'tone' towards or about another candidate or their supporters will be banned from the site for seven days. "Yeah but why?!?" Because it is against the rules to be abusive or inflammatory to other members, and it has gotten out of hand. Some of our most respected and senior members have partaken in this and should be ashamed of themselves. It's not as if we're asking you to perform an impossible act. Well, actually, we're not exactly asking. We're telling you to have the maturity to act in a civilized and respectful manner to your other members, regardless of your feelings towards them. That'll be all.
  10. I'm actually going to take it a step further. Staff Response Any further derogatory comments towards any members who are running in the presidential election by other members running in the presidential election or their supporters will result in a 7 day complete ban from this forum.
  11. Staff Response Reminder: This forum has rules against abusive behavior and flaming. Disciplinary action up to and including a ban will be taken against those who break these rules.
  12. Alternatively, I can change your username for you. What did you want it to be?
  13. I was four years old. I'll take another truth.
  14. Well, the discussion value of this thread is kaput. Lawk'd
  15. I'll take another truth. These are pretty mild so far.
  16. I guarantee you he was told to come here by MS Support. Why? Because there are literally dozens of members who were told the same thing. See, MS Support does an internet search for 343i's contact information, and when you google or bing 343i, you get this the second hit on both sites. In the brain of the support idiots, they see Halowaypoint and they see 343 Industries Community Forum, and they think that this is 343i's official site and that halowaypoint is Halo's official site. So they send people here to contact 343i. A lot. We've tried to get them to stop, but apparently Microsoft can't control their support employees.
  17. There aren't any. Insects don't creep me out.
  18. AAAAAAAAACHOOOOOOOO! Sorry. Had to smeeze.
  19. I won. Anyways, topic locked because the past three or four of these had replies coming in weeks after they ended.
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