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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. Welcome to 343i.org I hope you enjoy your stay, which is easy to do. Just follow the rules, and if you need a bit of help just ask a moderator. Most of the people here are pretty friendly.
  2. Nope. If someone asks me a question they really need an answer to and I don't know the answer. Even then I would tell them that I googled it. I may even use a "let me google that for you" link.
  3. Honk Blarg. Blarg honk honk wort wort wort. I think it will definitely meet and surpass most of our expectations at this point.
  4. Yep. I have a feeling the very next post will result in a warning point and the topic being locked.
  5. I would put forward that they don't compete with each other, as they are not similar enough to. Halo: Story Oriented Multiple Forms of Media (i.e. books, games, comic books, videos) Limited Arena Multiplayer (i.e. only 16 players) Lengthy Single Player/Co-op Campaign Ability to Customize Maps and Multiplayer Gametypes Destiny: Multiplayer Oriented One Form of Media (for now) Massive Multiplayer Online Short Single Player/Co-op Campaign Set Maps The games are different enough that people can justify getting them both without feeling as if they are getting the same game. So these two games do not appear to be in competition with each other, as they are too different. Either way though, Halo is going to make a lot of money, and Destiny may too.
  6. Ah. Articulate. Excellent. Welcome to the forums. Have a gander at the rules, should be in the welcome pm, and if you've got any questions feel free to ask a mod.
  7. Hey there everyone. As a couple of you know, I am a pretty massive fan of the Assassin's Creed series of games. So I try my best to keep up with all news relating to AC games. This is something I accidentally bumped into while playing Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. With it being released on November 11th of this year I figure we can have a bit of a recap on what we know so far before getting to the meat of this story. Here are the other news stories done by Edward Kenway and Mereel. Assassin's Creed: Rogue Uplay Rewards/Actions I originally decided to unlock some more stuff using my uplay rewards in AC:IV, and decided to see if I had anything to unlock on ACIII as well. While I was in the games menu, I came upon Assassin's Creed: Rogue. I decided to select it to see what's up, and it brought me to see what actions you can take to get Uplay rewards points, and what rewards you can redeem for Assassin's Creed: Rogue. So, without further ado, here they are. Actions: 1. Complete Memory Sequence 1: 10u This is pretty self-explanatory. Finish the first mission. 2. Capture All Gang HQ's: 20u It is unclear whether these are the forts or something different entirely. Capture all of them to get this one. 3. Instant Vikings: 30u Hit 5 enemies with the berserk grenade (at the same time). This tells us that instead of berserk darts, we get grenades. There is also a picture of Shay Cormac holding his grenade rifle. 4. Complete the final glitched memory: 40u Completing the final "glitched" memory will get you this one, and makes me wonder what the glitch will be. Rewards: 1. AC Rogue Theme pack: 10u This allows you to customize your dashboard with an AC Rogue theme. 2. Assassin Killer Outfit: 20u This outfit includes a bandanna that has a Templar cross over the lower half of Shay's face. This is an equip-able item, and you must own the game to use it. 3. Katana and Wakizashi set: 30u This reward give you the in-game item 'Katana and Wakizashi set'. This is a sword/small sword combo, which leads me to believe that we'll be seeing a sword/dirk thing. 4. Ship Customization and Pistol Set: This gives you the ability to customize your ship with the Jackdaw sails, figurehead, and wheel as well as gaining access to Edward Kenway's pistols. View full article
  8. Hey there everyone. As a couple of you know, I am a pretty massive fan of the Assassin's Creed series of games. So I try my best to keep up with all news relating to AC games. This is something I accidentally bumped into while playing Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. With it being released on November 11th of this year I figure we can have a bit of a recap on what we know so far before getting to the meat of this story. Here are the other news stories done by Edward Kenway and Mereel. Assassin's Creed: Rogue Uplay Rewards/Actions I originally decided to unlock some more stuff using my uplay rewards in AC:IV, and decided to see if I had anything to unlock on ACIII as well. While I was in the games menu, I came upon Assassin's Creed: Rogue. I decided to select it to see what's up, and it brought me to see what actions you can take to get Uplay rewards points, and what rewards you can redeem for Assassin's Creed: Rogue. So, without further ado, here they are. Actions: 1. Complete Memory Sequence 1: 10u This is pretty self-explanatory. Finish the first mission. 2. Capture All Gang HQ's: 20u It is unclear whether these are the forts or something different entirely. Capture all of them to get this one. 3. Instant Vikings: 30u Hit 5 enemies with the berserk grenade (at the same time). This tells us that instead of berserk darts, we get grenades. There is also a picture of Shay Cormac holding his grenade rifle. 4. Complete the final glitched memory: 40u Completing the final "glitched" memory will get you this one, and makes me wonder what the glitch will be. Rewards: 1. AC Rogue Theme pack: 10u This allows you to customize your dashboard with an AC Rogue theme. 2. Assassin Killer Outfit: 20u This outfit includes a bandanna that has a Templar cross over the lower half of Shay's face. This is an equip-able item, and you must own the game to use it. 3. Katana and Wakizashi set: 30u This reward give you the in-game item 'Katana and Wakizashi set'. This is a sword/small sword combo, which leads me to believe that we'll be seeing a sword/dirk thing. 4. Ship Customization and Pistol Set: This gives you the ability to customize your ship with the Jackdaw sails, figurehead, and wheel as well as gaining access to Edward Kenway's pistols.
  9. If I still had ammo left I would more than likely be using a DMR or BR, which is good at nearly any range. So there wouldn't be a point in me picking up another weapon, as I am better with precision weapons than spray/pray anyway. If I decided to go against my better instincts, I would still pick the SAW though. As stated before, it's a power weapon and excels at doing what the suppressor (a much more common find) does.
  10. I think we should probably pay attention to those who aren't voting for Ledgend. Because voting AGAINST the sure thing means that person is probably trying to get a civilian killed and keep another mafia vote in play. Seriously though. There are four people on the suspect list. We know for sure that 3 of them are randomly selected and one is definitely a mafia member. We know Ledgend is a mafia member. It's safe to assume that the other three candidates are the randomly selected ones. So... Keep track of those that don't vote for Ledgend and give a crap statement on how they think that not killing a mafia member would be good for protown.
  11. I'm inclined to agree that the weapons are not overpowered. Vehicles on the other hand... But that's a different discussion entirely. For myself, I like sprint. Being able to get from point A to point B quicker is a plus for me. Especially on the larger maps *coughvalhallacough*. I do see how it could be a pain for those who get ran away from, but I don't see that as justification to remove it entirely. Even in Halo 2 and 3, running away was possible (and more often than not easy). Heh, my friend and I used to make a game out of who could run away the most when HLG was popular in H3. Anyways, the way to please everyone would be to add playlists that don't have sprint. Simple as that.
  12. Signature is from one of my favorite games, so I'd give it a 9/10.
  13. That sort of implies that MLG did the dumping. Which is funny because 343i already had someone set up to take the competitive part of Halo before the announcement that MLG wouldn't be doing it happened. So it's more like MLG being that one guy who wants the girl back but is shocked at how much she's changed.
  14. The SAW's actually decent at mid-long if you burst fire it. Nowhere near as powerful as the precision weapons, but it will still beat an AR/Suppressor any day of the weak. Thing is, the SAW is a power weapon, so the only way these two can compete is if we are going off of preferences alone. Personally, if there is a SAW to my left, a Suppressor to my right, and I am completely out of ammo I'm going with the SAW.
  15. No. Think more along the lines of things that kill people in the present time.
  16. Nope. Dragon Age Magnificent Lack of Light: None
  17. Red Dead Redemption Game Named After An Era of Overgrown Lizards That Breathe Fire That Actually Isn't Focused on Overgrown Lizards That Breathe Fire
  18. The Director

    Courage Wolf

    So I have far fewer of these than of Insanity Wolf, but whatever.
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