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The Director

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Everything posted by The Director

  1. This is my new theme song.
  2. Master Chief has an epic voice for a bamf, but I don't think it would be a very good singing voice...
  3. If they wanted to solve bad sportsmanship... why do they make it to where you can teabag with the Mantis? :3 lmao
  4. Or two rockets. Fired from both sides of the hornet, where the only blind spot is the rear. And hornets can turn around faster as well. If both wingmen have rocket launchers, the Falcon has no chance. Especially since in both Halo 3 AND Reach rockets were able to lock onto aircraft.
  5. Do you still play BF3 or have you gotten tired of it?
  6. Halo4Follower is actually one of the worst places to get news from. He takes rumors and crap and then tries to turn it into news to get views and subscribers to make more money. For instance, do you remember his video on "The Reaper"? He got his hands on a piece of fan-art (that everyone had already known wasn't real) and then tried to make out like it was concept art that had been leaked. Not to mention that when the H4 game was stolen and people were posting spoilers from the stolen game, he posted spoilers right along with them. The only reason he still has a channel is because he managed to take down the videos he posted from the stolen game before Microsoft did. To answer your question though, I get my Halo news from IGN, Waypoint, Rooster Teeth, and here.
  7. Eaaaaasy. I'm assuming what you mean by "what's remarkable about their succession" is what did the do for Rome.1. Trajan - Born/died: (53-117 AD) Ruled: (98–117 AD) He made the Roman Empire the size that it was, and got it to the largest that it ever got to. 2. Nerva - Born/died: (30-98 AD) Ruled: (96-98 AD) Even though his rule was short, he was considered one of the kindest and wisest of the Roman emperors, having released all of the people who were imprisoned by the emperor before him. Unfortunately, the military didn't like him, but the people loved him. 3. Hadrian - Born/died: (76-138 AD) Ruled: (117-138 AD) He traveled the lands owned by the Roman Empire and donated money to local construction projects as he went. He was considered an excellent military leader, but there weren't very many conflicts during his rule. 4. Antoninus Pius - Born/died: (86-161 AD) Ruled: (138-161 AD) He introduced many principles into Roman Law that made life better and easier on the people. He is also considered a bit of a humanitarian. He also threw one hell of a party for Rome's 900th anniversary. 5. Marcus Aurelius - Born/died: (121-180 AD) Ruled: (161-180 AD) He humbly refused to take power unless he shared it with a co-emperor (Lucius), and was considered a good man. During his rule, Rome knew a time of strife because during the Marcomannic Wars one of his generals rebelled and took half the empire (well nearly half). Marcus was able to retake it, and is credited for "reuniting Rome". Well, those are the five good emperors, as far as I can remember. Note that they are called "good" emperors and not "great" lol
  8. Actually he was talking about in Multiplayer, which the Falcon does not have a nose gun in any Multiplayer variant. Plus, a 1v1 means one player vs one player. Which means all the Falcon could do is fly. If we are talking about both vehicles in campaign mode, however, the Hornet would still win. In the campaign, the Falcon has a nose gun and two turrets (which require three people in the Falcon to use all weapons). The Hornet has a nose turret and chaf pods and can have "wingmen". In a 1 player vs 1 player battle, the Falcon and the Hornet would be pretty evenly matched, but the Hornet has an advantage due to the chaf pods. In a 3v3 match, the Hornet would also have the advantage, because it could use any weapon that it's wingmen had (i.e. Splaser, Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, etc.) including it's turret and chaf pods while the Falcon would be stuck with three turrets.
  9. As in preying on or being preyed on? For having to answer your question with a question, here's an interesting fact. There's no such thing as a Brontosaurus. The word Brontosaurus was the result of a paleontologist accidentally adding a Camarasaurus head to an Apatosaurus body. Now that I think about it, that could technically answer your question. lmao
  10. The brutes aren't in H4 for canonical reasons. It will make more sense once you get into the story of H4.
  11. Actually, I don't like Halo Reach and I've played FAR more H3 ranked games than I have social games. My current account isn't my first, nor even my second. I've had 4 accounts so far. 3/4 of them were in the H3 days. The unlocks in H4 will be separate from the truskill. While this will impact gameplay, as it has been said you don't get the unlocks without winning. And your truskill DOES go down, but your exp rank does not. Truskill isn't based on EXP, it's based on wins and losses. ^ That suggestion would incorporate both the truskill AND the exp rank system in a nice little harmony. I'm not sure if you are trying to argue against this or not, but if you are I don't see why because everybody wins with it. As far as your post: 1. N/A your truskill does go down, just at a decreased rate. 2. And no, you don't get EXP unless you win with my suggestion in place. Or you get such a low amount that it's not even worth it to lose. Wins also affect truskill in my suggestion. EXP in my suggestion is also based on individual performance, so if you play really well but your team sucks, you will still get a decent amount of exp. 3. Yes, it was a goal to shoot for, but simultaneously it was also an annoyance because people took it too seriously. 4. No, I actually hate H3's social playlists, so I was forced to play on H3's ranked playlists because they were different. You seem to have misunderstood what I was getting at, I want either no ranked/social playlists, or one that has duplicate playlists. (i.e. Team Swat in both social AND ranked, so you don't have to play with the tryhards if you don't want to). 5. I like team snipers too, and there isn't much of a difference between them, but there were more boosters/derankers in H3 than there are BK's in Reach. And you and I must have had very different experiences, because back in the H3 days there was a new thread on b-net at least once a day complaining about Boosters/Derankers, and the community was a whole lot smaller back then than it is now. 6. I never said ranks weren't important. If I thought that I wouldn't have taken the time to come up with a way to add a ranking system that IS based on skill level. 7. I think you are a bit confused as to what fair means. The majority of Halo players are casual players who like to play for fun. So by catering to the competitive players by taking the fun things out and making it more "srs bzns" would be unfair to the casual players. And since there are more casual players than competitive players, this would be TREMENDOUSLY unfair.
  12. Well actually, I realized that you had misprinted ICl and did my calculations based on the only thing it could be, which was Iodine Monochloride, and basically the same with KCl. I was just making a random point at 3 AM lol As to your question, ah theoretical history. I do believe you are speaking of Rosslyin Chapel (aka Collegiate Chapel of St Matthew) which was founded by William Sinclair, 1st Earl of Caithness.
  13. Actually, it was so incorporated into the post that it was nearly impossible to have edited it to exclude the swearing while still having the same point come across, which is why I deleted the post and asked him to write the same thing without swearing. Plus, he shouldn't have done it anyway because it against the rules.
  14. Try it again without the swearing.
  15. Well that's what the second suggestion was about good sir. If you decrease the rate at which a player drops truskill, it will make it very much harder to derank, while still putting people in their average skill level. As for the exp part, that's just unlock rank. It doesn't affect truskill in any way. Also, I wouldn't mind if they allowed people to see their truskill, but at the same time the whole "U r wrog cuz I hav a 50 nd u dn't" thing got old quick. As far as social and ranked matches, the only problem with this is that it puts certain playlists in a non-social environment that would be fun in a social environment. Plus, in H3, there were people who treated the social playlists as ranked playlists and got really really good at them. However, the truskill didn't effect these playlists, so they usually got matched up with BK's and ended up ruining the game for them. The trick is to balance it out perfectly between the two types of players in question, and as you can probably guess it's pretty hit or miss. Plus, if Halo loses it's competitive players (ALL of them) it will still be a multi-million dollar franchise, so it's hard for me to understand why MLG types feel entitled to having Halo custom tailored to their wants. And the statistics in question were based off of reports received and bans issued during the times of both Halo 3 and Halo Reach.
  16. I dug out this huge wall of text for you to help you realize what a true Halo fan is. There are multiple types of fans for Halo. There are those who are fans of the interesting little glitches that it brings to the table, there are those who are fans of the multiplayer, there are those who are fans of the campaign and single player modes, and then there are fans of the canon. A "true fan" is all of the above. A "true fan" is someone who knows that Master Chief is a brunette, and that the Magnum was the only "precision weapon" other than the sniper rifle in Halo CE, that warthog races usually mean that the campaign is ending, and that you have to jump crouch to get outside Halo 2's second mission's map. A "true fan" doesn't have to have started with any particular Halo, just as long as they've gone out of their way to either play or know what happened in all of the games. A "true fan" is allowed to like one thing more than another about Halo (i.e. Canon over campaign, multiplayer over firefight), but a "true fan" already tried everything before making up their minds about it. A "true fan" is someone who is willing to compromise when there are changes they don't like. A "true fan" would say, "Well, I hate armor lock, so I'll play a game mode that doesn't have it." or "Well, I don't like the ranking system, so I'll play a gametype that I know requires skill. It's a shame I can't boast about my truskill, but I'll still have fun pwning people in 1v1's." People often confuse true fans with fanboys, but they are not the same. Fanboys are convinced that their game is the best, and feel the irrepressible urge to shove their theology down everyone's throat. A true fan is willing to have a healthy debate, but drops the topic when flaming comes into play. If you are the type who doesn't like a gametype or game mechanic and decides to stand on a soapbox and shout that Halo is turning into a different game, and say things like, "343i sucks!", then you are not a true Halo fan. If you would rather watch the series die than change, then you are not a true Halo fan. If you would denounce a fellow member of the Halo community for liking a part of Halo that you do not, then you are not a true Halo fan. There is a reason people of the Halo community mock those who constantly complain about things like Armor Lock, Equipment, or Boardable Vehicles. The reason is because those that do shouldn't be playing a game that they so obviously do not like. Now that you've been educated on what a "true fan" is, let's talk about what "makes Halo Halo." You could say that for each individual person, what makes a Halo game is different. You could say that, but you would be wrong. If you look at all of the Halo games that have ever been made, every single one, there is only one thing that they all have in common. Change. From the massive changes from Halo CE to Halo 2, to the minor (but still pretty big game changers) changes from Halo 2 to Halo 3. Some might say that the BR is what makes Halo Halo. And they would be wrong. The BR was not usable by the player in Halo CE, Halo Reach, nor Halo Wars. That's half of the Halo games that are out so far. Others might say that it's the vehicles. They would still be wrong, but they'd be less wrong. In each and every Halo game vehicles have been tweaked. In Halo CE, you could kill someone and take their vehicle, with no damage to the vehicle at all. In Halo 2, the vehicles blew up, but they were also able to be locked onto by the rocket launcher. In Halo 3, the vehicles became crucial in a BTB game, while in Reach the vehicles became underpowered. In Halo Wars, they are essential, in ODST, they are hardly used. Even more might say that accuracy is what makes Halo Halo, but they too would be incorrect. In Halo CE, the only two weapons that fired in what could even remotely be considered precisely were the Magnum and the Sniper Rifle. True precision weapons didn't come around until H2. So you see, the only things that have remained even close to the same over the years are the learning curve, and change. And even the learning curve has changed from each game. Which means the only constant is change. Change and people complaining about change, that is.
  17. What is being taken away exactly? As far as I know they haven't removed ANYTHING from LE, just made certain items non-exclusive (but cost more to gain without buying the LE). And the reason the helmets and emblem comes with the standalone war games pass and not the LE is because they want to make those who cannot afford the LE know that they aren't forgotten, which Bungie had a bad habit of not doing. If it means THAT much to you, you can sell your wargames pass and buy the normal pass to get the helmets, it's not that big of a deal. And in my opinion, ALL exclusive items are an immoral and crude way of making more money. Thing is though, if Halo 4 doesn't make a crap ton of money, that means that Halo 5 is going to be a little bit worse.
  18. You should reread my post, it seems you only read about the first half. Also, you are wrong about the amount of derankers/booster in H3 being less than those who just goof around in Reach, according to statistics. And the reason that they did away with the system is because no matter how many people they banned, people kept doing it.
  19. Limited Edition Contents War Games Map Packs: The Limited Edition includes access to nine maps - three future competitive multiplayer map packs, each including three locations, available for download post-launch on Xbox LIVE. Specializations: Receive early access to six Specializations, available at launch on Xbox LIVE, and use them, one at a time, to achieve higher ranks in your Spartan career. In addition to gaining access to new ranks, Specializations unlock new customization options. The Special Edition of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, a 90-minute extended version of the live-action digital series which will take fans back to the terrifying beginning of the Human/Covenant war, when the Master Chief inspired a young cadet who would eventually become a leader aboard the UNSC's greatest vessel ever: the UNSC Infinity. Digital content also included: Bonus in-fiction bonus content expanding the characters and stories of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn and their connections to Halo 4 Special Featurette: Bringing Gaming into Reality Making of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Bonus digital content through Xbox LIVE: Unique in-game Spartan IV armor skin Unique in-game weapon skin for the Assault Rifle An exclusive in-game emblem Xbox LIVE Avatar prop Xbox LIVE Avatar Spartan IV armor set The Limited Edition also contains the UNSC Infinity Briefing Packet which includes a Spartan armor customization schematic, an introduction to the massive ship UNSC Infinity, and insight into what it means to be one of humanity's finest warriors: The Spartan IVs. Basically, it's similar to the Black Box for Reach. That's why it's only 99 bucks, rather than 150 like the HR Legendary Edition. The HR LE was 80 bucks and only came with a couple booklets and some artwork. All the HR LE came with that was "exclusive" was the Elite armor. Bascially, you are getting 9 new maps, an Avatar prop, an Avatar Armor set, an armor skin and an AR skin, and an exclusive emblem. As for it being a "rip off" for the standalone wargames map pack to come with the two helmets, you pay 15% more for those two helmets. Plus, the helmets will probably be released with the Pre-Order DLC. That's an awful lot of money to spend on dressing your barbie doll. The only reason I would have ever gone for the LE is because it saves money. The whole "exclusive" thing is a complete croc. The only people who care about it are those who like to lord over other people saying stuff like, "I got something you doooon't" which is really immature and not my style. Fact is, armor skins and helmets aren't going to make you better at the game, and everyone will forget about them about a week after the game is released. Just like they did with HR Legendary Edition and preorder bonuses. If THAT was what you wanted to spend 99 bucks on, I think you should rethink things a bit.
  20. Duplicate topic. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/8700-halo-3-and-possible-wars-and-reach-port-to-pc/page__st__20?do=findComment&comment=163427 Locked.
  21. Okay, so by your logic these two helmets and the emblem are worth more than FUD, 15% off of 3 different map packs, and the War games map pack? Not to mention that all that the two helmets and the emblem will probably be released for everyone at a later date (just like all of the pre-order bonuses) as DLC, and the artwork and such that are always released with special editions of Halo. Plus, if something happens to your account then either A] It was hacked, which Microsoft will be willing to hook you up in that case or B] you got permabanned and an account deletion. If something happens to your X-Box then you can simply replace your X-Box and redownload it, or recover your account on a friends X-Box and download it there. So now my question is... what exactly are you complaining about?
  22. Storms moving in and my internet keeps going out. -.-

    1. Loser


      time for the awsome director to relax

  23. If you want to do a competition, you have to get in contact with Drizzy_Dan (our events coordinator) and possibly talk with Absolute Dog.
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