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Everything posted by AzianPower808

  1. Interesting, but they shouldn't focus on it if they did make one. Spend more time working on the TRUE Halo games.
  2. I want to see some Griffball on the playlist, because now with the new oddball changes, it would be freaking AWESOME! But the only chance I get to play is in custom games with only 3 other friends who don't even like Griffball that much. It would be nice to play it once in a while... ::
  3. For me the biggest let down would be the lack of customization in Flood. All the game types that we know and love from Reach, like Teacher, Ghost busters, and more, are now gone. :wallbash:
  4. Haha, that's true. Guess they couldn't fit it into the campaign??
  5. Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I didn't see any other topics about this. Some of the content in the E3 demo was not in the campaign, although I can understand this, as it WAS just a demo. The "Scanned" trailer, though, did not happen at anytime during the campaign, or even before or after, as far as information given. Why was there a trailer of Master Chief getting scanned when it never happened?? Makes me wonder.
  6. I guess they improved the spartan IVs so that they can concentrate on scoping even when they're in pain lol. Or the smart link has improved somehow, maybe?
  7. Hey, I'm new here and don't know if anyone posted anything like this, but concerning gravity fields, I would like to see someone make a mini game where players have to dodge with thruster pack ability flying objects. Things such as dice, crates, and even vehicles can be held afloat with two stacked gravity fields. Also, an idea to create a rebound effect are using one way shield doors. I learned that vehicles, even when not occupied will now rebound off of the one way shields. just some ideas, I hope someone can make a cool map if I don't first, lol. send me your gamertag so I can download your map if you create one... Thanks.
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