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Everything posted by BraverKING514

  1. Master Chief is Chuck Norris on steriods, so he will not die.
  2. yeah, there are plenty of other topics with this in it, just FYI
  3. Wow. This looks cool and it shows off some more of the gameplay. I finally saw what the CEA Cortana looked like.
  4. Oh crap. I'm dead! Not Dragon Bears! They love the taste of my flesh!
  5. Tie between 2 and 3. 4 is not so good...
  6. My favorite is the one from the REACH Deliver Hope trailer and Finish the Fight, a H3 extra track.
  7. #1 issue is Microsoft. They don't want to sell the rights to Halo, so a movie is impossable, at least right now.
  8. You need it for create a class and more than 2 gametypes in MW3! Amazing. They made CoD worse somehow!
  9. They have taken Lord of the Rings, at least Rohan, and put it into the game! Edoras (From Lord of the Rings) Whiterun (Skyrim) It is Edoras minus the hill.
  10. We would need crusers as well, that would also add in Space and land maps (linked), pelicans, longswords, etc. Because it would be so big, we would need to add AIs into omline play. (YAY! I can crush grunts in a drop pod!)
  11. I found this trailer on Youtube, and I think it shows how a Halo movie could be made. Do you agree?
  12. Yeah. This site would be nowhere without them! My hat is off to them. :unworthy:
  13. I loved Halo 2, but missed the AR in it, plus brutes just pissed me off. Guys, just because someone doesn't like H2 as much as the others doesn't mean they arn't a fan. H2 is my least favorite of the original trilogy. But I'm still a fan.
  14. The Elder Scrolls series looks bad unless you've played one. They are in fact very fun if you get over the magic and play it. It will be great!
  15. Wow. Someone has too much time and money on their hands.
  16. Halo has such a detailed fiction, it is almost a history. Plus, you have all these amazing things like scrabs, crusers and drop pods. If Halo put these into online... think about it!
  17. Agreed. You know it cost 4000 Microsoft points a YEAR EXTRA to get create a class and more than team deathmatch gametypes! You HAVE to have CoD Elite, Its on their own website. Plus, Halo has a better storyline and H4 will but them to shame.
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