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Everything posted by BraverKING514

  1. Not happening. 343 will keep things like that apart of the future Halo games because it is all apart of the Halo we know and love.
  2. True. He tried to destroy a 61 page topic! But this place is awesome and is filled with the best people in the world! I'm glad to be apart of it! :unworthy: You all rock!
  3. everyone gained 50 pounds. Meanwhile...
  4. Another question. If Elites have wives (like in Halo:Legends) How do they kiss without ripping each other's faces off?
  5. Nice. They need a Stig costume though. Then it would be true.
  6. 343 might be willing to do it. They do what the fans want.
  7. Sorry. I know your pain. But Spectral is right.
  8. I heard that Vitamin PWN once KOed Chuck Norris by looking at him. I heard that Kurt S-051 can speak French... while speaking Spanish. If Dean P.H.D patted you on the back, you would list it on your resume.
  9. Also, add in custom edition forging. FUN FOR ALL!
  10. No. Chief is immortal. It is part of his character and keeps you loving him. So is the face never being shown. Keep his helmet on his head 343! (If he stays alive, there could be another 20 or even more years of Halo! ,) PS there is no such thing as too much Halo!
  11. Sorry. Did it at night. And I was too lazy to edit. Still only can get on late!
  12. Agreed. They need to add everything from big crusers to drop pods.
  13. That is most likley right. Or they could just swallow grunts whole.
  14. I heard that he gets his news by a time machine that God gave to him for killing the angel of death. (Chuck Norris, who else!)
  15. Cool, but very sad and pathetic. He might have a girlfriend if they met at Halo fest.
  16. Link to land as well! I NEED to hit someone with a drop pod!
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