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Everything posted by BraverKING514

  1. guilty! When you collect everything that has Halo on it.
  2. If 343 listens to you, Halo will die. It would be the worst game in history! This is a COMMUNITY forum, not yours. Go back to to you basement and LEAVE. Can't you see that even if you had a good idea (Ha, I'd like to see that happen!) no one would listen to you! Why? Because you are a dumb ass who desperatly needs anger management, a friend (Sorry, your parents can't buy THAT for you!), and a lesson on REAL life. Go get a life! NO ONE agrees with you! Sorry, YOU ARE WRONG! (Ohh, did make the spoiled 9 year old cry!?) Ask you parents for that anger management. PS How many times have we told you, we want more, but NO MODDING! BraverKING514
  3. Wish we could. But terrorists are zealots, therefore they believe that Allah has called for our deaths. I hate how these people try to use Islam as a way to justify these actions. They would kill us regardless, they are on a jihad, a holy war it will NEVER end, unless (terrorists often cannot be told apart from the innocent) we destroy an entrie religon! And that is unspeakable, billions of innocents would die.
  4. Wait, you wanted a conviction?! ARE YOU INSANE!? A man who has brought about the deaths of thousands of innocent, and you wanted a court to try him!? He isn't some petty criminal. Regardless of what we did to Bin Laden, they will try to kill all of us, ONLY TO THEM, they believe Islam as called for our destruction. You can't negotiate with zealots (religous extremeists, in case you don't know what a zealot is) Bin Laden recived support from Saddam. Saddam. also was a genocidal maniac (thousands were spared after the Iraqi BZ gas factories were destroyed by the USMC) and was infulencing and supporting al-Qadia cells. Bin Laden was organizing the entire thing, with him dead they now lack a powerful leader and have fallen into disarray. As far as US-Arab relations, they hate us because were are allies with Israel. If you somehow think ignoring these people and forgetting about it will end the war, you need to do research outside of MSNBC. (All media lies, but the are BY FAR the worst.) If we do what you segest, MILLIONS will die, 9/11 will look like a child's play. Bin Laden confesed to organizing 9/11 and other al-Qaida operations, and his captured operators also said as much. These people want us dead PERIOD. If you truly believe what I have read, you are either in shock, delusional, VERY misinformed (most likey), a terrorist supporter, or just plain stupid. I agree about the US soldiers though. Too many have died because the commanders are trying to use conventonal tactics on an uncoventional enemy. It doesn't work. Please accualy read the documents you mentioned. If I am inncorrect, please prove it to me.
  5. When you buy Halo 2 for the storyline, and the play it 5 times over.
  6. acually an engineer. Meanwhile Chief...
  7. Sorry. I found evidence that your idea is impossable. In the consept art, it shows UNSC ships, similar the the Pillar of Autum. Plus you see pelicans are all around them. I'm sorry to be the one to say this, look it up in gaming news for a more detailed analsis. It's under a closer look at the Halo 4 enemy. Watch the entire video for more info.
  8. Sence he came up with REACH, so I'm sort of glad. I'm also sad, because he could have been a turnaround. He also hated duel-wielding
  9. I agree. The update is also questionable
  10. I'm not a fan. My opinion, NO!
  11. And then they wanted to kill us all!
  12. You should choose your side, and your race, then you are what you play. Also no flood, at least you shouldn't be one.
  13. wish granted, but you and your house are covered in perminant cyro freeze and you never move again. I wish I had my own Halo ring.
  14. For the last few posts, you would get shot and t-baged very hard.
  15. I would really want High Charity, before the Flood made it a Hell hole.
  16. Look up Halo4folower on youtube. He has me convinced that those small, fish looking thingsare PELICANS! The UNSC is back!
  17. Make it a bit more different from CoD. For the most part, I'm all for it.
  18. AHHHHHHHH! :wallbash: MAKE IT STOP!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! MUST..... KILL..... :crazy:
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