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Everything posted by BraverKING514

  1. Master Chief vs The entre Covanant fleet (REACH fleet + High Charity's) and the Flood's Fleet (forerunner war era)
  2. THANK YOU!! I 343!!!!!!!!!!! Now they need to add bigger maps and Achement amror, then it would be perfect.
  3. Brutes were attacking grunty goodness
  4. They would be great games, but they need to focus on the new trilogy the most.
  5. NO. If they must add to the guns, make ODST supressors at the most.
  6. No anime. Use CGI like 300 or Avatar (Avatar was awful, a Giant Smurf Pocahontus, very hippie. Great graphics though. If they use a good thing will have finally come of that movie.)
  7. And with the frigates, there should be 100% controlable Drop pods.
  8. Have the maps be ground-up. Like custom edition. No limits, you chose lighting, the building, the area. Land, water, sky or space. They should truly let you make your own maps. 343 should also add in ways for intertactive things such as gates, doors, elavators and MAC cannons and (perhaps) crusers and frigates. Lets not forget plecans, Scrabs, Sabres, everything Bungie didn't let you have.
  9. BraverKING514

    Side games

    He's right. They should focus only on the Main storyline.
  10. Here are some popular ideas IF ANYONE HAS A LINK TO A GREAT IDEA, PLACE IT HERE!!!!!!!!!! Full Effrect Invasion: This is a list of the ideas I belive wold make a gametype so god that COD will be blown off its throne. Please ass your own ideas, even if you think its too crazy too work. Halo was made through ideas thought to be the same.Too crazy to work. But they did... 1. Have maps that span both space and land.If I am needed to attack a cruser to save my objective, I can grab a pelican and some buddys and overload its engines.Or if my job is to defend it until it can glass the objective, that can happen. Add drop pods as well. 2. Two sided winning. If there is a ship attacking let the defenders attack it andtake it out and reversing the fight. But give the attackers one last chancrtoturn battle around.This would cause an unparelled realizm to the combat, as if it was happening. 3. AI integreated gamplay. This would let you have such a huge map without lag and it would add a better effect to it. I would love fighting with hunters and ODST online. This would hopefully be the thing that lets you put in phantoms, pelicans, scarbs and everything else. 4.Realistic objectives. Add in things that would happen in the halo universe. Forerunner objectives, such as shield barriers like the ones in Halo 3's mission "The Covenant". Ships like Forward Unto Dawn, of realistic saze and interactions. Let the Covenant use glassing beams and the UNSC use MAC cannons to distroy objectives. If I have to press a button to activate something in campagin, shouldn't I do it online? I press RB and my character moves his/her hand and presses it. Thats all I can think of. in this catigory. Pkease add on. 5.Custom Maps for this gametype need to be ground up, like in custom edition. Have things such as a cruser in the spawning index. Let it be some be senery, to make it look likea fleet, and others be realistic and have full acsess, as if it was realy there.Let players be able to make anything that was seen in the campaigns. If I want to recreate the mission "The Ark" pebble for pebble ans have the same interations (the Dawn coming from space for example) I could, but with online play.Make the building and moving doors be apart of the spawn index. I recommend using different section to store everything in, so I can find theoption to spawn it in the "forerunner buildings" section. Please no budget, Its too hard to add deatils with limited Budget. Players have always said that the maps madein custom edition were the best in existance. 6.Lighting, weather and nature. If I want a that is in the night, I can do it. Also let the weather effect combat. (wind that effects sniping, but the SCOUT armor varient can tell you where to shoot.) If the SPARTAN program was real the armor woud tell the soilder EVERYTHING about his enviroment. Plus, random indigios animals would add more realism to the battlefield.If possable add in waves,storms and lightning that can kill you, but hardly ever have it happen. 7. Highly interactive maps. If Iwanto place a bomb behind me in the ship to take out a few enemys, I can ram it into the wall. If I want to jam a door until it is distroyed I can shoot the control panel. If I wat to make a barrrier I can. PS, make most parts of a map destroyable that way a bomb going off will behave realisticly and if its in the wall next to space, stuff ( including plays and AI) will get sucked into space.But put in emergency doors that close,so not everything gets distroyed. Also have hidden air ducts so you can sneak to the objective. That all I can think of. Please Add on to this thank you and God Bless America BraverKING514 343, (If you people reading this agree with me, then Email this to 343, please, for the sake :idea: of Halo, do it.) if you are reading this, put this in your game! DO NOT FALL INTO THE TRAP BUNGIE DID! I've checked and these are the most popular ideas that the fans want to see in your games. I understand that some might not be possilbe, but that is what made Halo great to begin with. It took the idea of a video and redefined it. It made everyone who played it go "holy ****" and other game companies cry like little babys. Halo was the top dog, the one to beat. Bungie made the mistake of not continually changing the idea ofa video game, exept in the storyline, and so they abandonded what made Halo so great. Please,for the sake of the millions of Halo fans, keep the Halo 1 mentality. Blow the game outof perportion! Place these and what else you think of into your game and Halo shalretake its old title, wher if you arn't obbsessed with it you will look like a dumba**. 1. Put all of the campagin things into the online on huge maps. Pelicans, Phantoms, Scrabs, AA Wraths, Ect. 2. Put in armor that needs only achements (make a few hard like Hyabusa in Halo 3). Also have some that need cr and achements or cr and rank. 3. Have each armor piece effect you. EOD protects against explosions, but slows you down. CQB protects against shotguns and improves energy sword deflects. Make the knife an attachment that improves hand to hand (and assassinations). Also, many people want custom armor.( don't know how that would work, but it would be sweet and I'm sure that 343 can do it.) 4. Forgable Firefight maps. Taking custom games to a whole new level. 5. Flood AI gametype. Somthing to make COD shove "Zombies" up its... you get the point. Also make it possable to win, hard but beatable. 6. Ground up forging. You can choose the terrain bulidings/ships (people want online space battles, connected to the ground if possible.) Thes style should be custom as well. (Covanant, Human, Flood, Forerunner and whatever else you guys have in store.)This includes firefight. It would be amazing to havea grunt filled Rupe Goldburg machine. 7.AI integrated online play. For example, take Invasion, add AI's to both sides ( hunters, grunts, brutes, marines, ODST's, everything)aqnd let them be able to pick up objectives (bombs, Data cores, Ect.) and fullfill them like a player would. 8.First person options for vehicles. (I've always wondered what splatered grunt juice looks like on your visor) 9. Weapon inprovements. (supressors, sights that allow for headshots onguns such as the AR, and other thing that you can think of.) 10. Custom Campagin. Let custom maps have theatrics and campain stlye objective the cam be limked so players can make their own story. 11. Larger maps will need larger teams. My friends have sugested 24-32 players. Even more if you decide to link air and land battles. 12. In field weapon and vehicle customization/improvements. Also ground up vehicles in forge would be a god send. 13. 1st Person Presentaion. Halo's stroy is the best I've yet seen. If you keep the actions the Cheif does in first person, this little touch will add a lot of epic effect to it. To bring back Halo you must blow Battlefield 3 out ofthe water. Remember, they have only Earth. You have an ENTIRE galaxy AND the Forerunners! With a different graphics engine and better presentaion of cinimatics you will have spawned a game that truly gives justice to the Halo franchiseand will leavean ipression on the hearts of millions. 14. have destroyable bulidings and ships. That way, if I want to make an assult map that has its target in a buliding, so when the bomb goes it collapses on itself, it can happen. (Make this an OPTION, that way you can have both!) 15. Improve the music!!! Halo 3 and Halo3 ODST's music sent chills down my spine. Reach's not so much, many other others agree. (Are you going to get Martin O'Donall and Salvitorie (forgot his name) to make the music again? I think they're the best pair sence Cheif and Cortona. I hope you find this advice helpful, for I've worked many hours finding this information out. I do pray you use it and get Halo back on its feet.
  11. I guess we keep our ears open and trust 343 with the raigns.
  12. Give it some very large weak points and put it in.
  13. Frank O'Connor, Halo franchize director said "...We will take care of Halo. Don't expect a 3rd person Halo or anything like that. 3rd person would piss off A LOT of people!
  14. Sorry to rain on your parade, but 052 was Edumund Jorge, Kurt was 051.

  15. I HATE COD. Weapons were modifyed in HALO ODST. Keep the weapons and add it in. COD may use it, but it isn't COD. It was taken from real life, and Halo can use it as well. The Armor should be unlocked through campaign achevements, that way anyone who tries can get it. Only thing comfermed was no covys. There could very well be flood. And the new enemy will probibly have an invasion of sorts. Thanks for the input though.
  16. Yapyap for sure. In Halo 3 he sometimes yells "Get ready for a Yapyap pimp slap!" So Scary! He also morns Flipyab. He says "They killed Flipyab,or Yabflip was he" "Don't tell me I don't know Flipyab, we went to the Nipple Acadamy toghther, and now he's dead!" My fav Halo 3 line is 343 Guilty Spark's. Put on the IWBYD skull andshoothim untill he says "OW!That hurtmy feelings! Oh my god! I have feelings!!? I'm a real boy!"
  17. I don't agree. 12 year olds have the right to an opinion, yes they are the reason that COD is popular,so 343 should ignore the majority and make great games. Don't control it. You were once a 12 year old!
  18. I like to take risks. Go out and live my life. But i'm no fun to talk to, so, because women love to talk, they all leave for someone else. guess. As far as strange goes, I'm overly militaristic.
  19. Agreed. At the end of the day, no matter what you do, you do it FOR YOU
  20. Lil' Wayne Dr Dre Eminem Busta Rhimes Rick Ross Kanye West Jay-Z and Martin O'Donald (Halo soundtrack)
  21. Add Oblivion, and Forza to that list. PS Halo is better
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