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Everything posted by BraverKING514

  1. Basic gameplay is fine. They just need to add in drop pod, pelicans and other things from the campaign and put it in the online.
  2. I agree, bring back the Halo 3 armor. The new one looks terrible. Sorry, but its true. It doesn't work like Mark V and VI. Those ones gave a look that gave justice to MC, but this one just looks bad. I can not picture the Chief wearing this.
  3. Welcome to 343i forums! Remember that all forerunner AI's were comparmentalized, so just ignore 819 Impetuous Repercussion.
  4. I like your ideas, but there are a few issues. I agree with SterkOks that playing as grunts or hunters would not work. If they are to be included they need to be AI in multiplayer. The crusers would also have to be AI controlled. As far as pilots go, they have a gun and all they need is a Battlefield style reward system for drivers.
  5. We are going to need some REALLY large maps for this, could a 360 handle it?
  6. Each will have draw back though. Something to make it even, and let the armor be gained by achevements. PS, the effect doesn't have to be huge.
  7. ¿Qué? Por favor, explique un poco más. Me pareció tan difícil de seguir.
  8. Sounds good, sadly I can only play during the weekend, so Friday-Sunday only.
  9. There is no one on my friend list that plays Halo 3, so I was wondering if anyone here would join me in weekly matches. Anyone in?
  10. Here's a video that Halo 4 should have some elements in common with. (Destructable terrain, mele varitions, pelicans, AIs)
  11. Make it something like that animated short, "The Mona Lisa." Now that would be a great gametype! But scary as hell!
  12. Halo needs to move forward. I like this idea because, unlike armor ablitlies, it is already in the game, it isn't suddenly made up. They don't need ADS or AA's, they just need to put in things from the campaign (best thing ever!) and use it in multiplayer. This would make the Halo feeling be online as well, therefore creating the ultimate video game. We need space ships/battles that link to land, drop pods, destroyable environment, ect. 343 got to do the immpossible to make Halo be where it belongs, the #1 video game. Lets be honest, with Battlefield 3, they have thier work cut out for them.
  13. 343 just needs to redefine what a video game is, like Halo 1 and 2 did. Keep the legasy going!
  14. Civilian Vehicles! In multiplayer! (sports cars, normal cars, trucks, ect.)
  15. Have roads going through it, with choke points and open areas so vehicles work.
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