I love Halo and I agree with you, but you left out one gun. They need to balance the DMR so badly some kid spawn killed me on Solace across the map with a 5 shot spam without scope. The darn thing is stressing me to the point beyond belief. They need to make it more of a skill weapon or high risk high reward. The fact that the thing can dominate a BR up close and contend with a sniper at range is ridiculous. If it is a "marksman weapon" it should not:
Have such a high rate of fire
should have a decent amount of bloom (Reach was way too huge, but 4 is just way too small, it's practically just for kicks because even with full bloom you have a 90% chance of landing a headshot.)
be able to contend with the carbine and BR at their respective ranges
That being said here's how they could or should fix it!
More bloom/slower rate of fire to discourage spamming
smaller magazine capacity so you don't have enough ammo to drop 2 people and completely unshield another
to counteract these changes to the slower kill time, maybe give it bleedthrough?
Remove hitscan from the dmr
Buff the BR to a 4 shot kill and help the carbine out since they're already pretty much worthless beyond mid range and therefore wouldnt overpower the DMR at its range
Remove the spread of the BR since you have to rely on every bullet hitting to have a chance
considering the fact I think the dmr is an abomination of a weapoon and in no way embodies the fast paced, up close spirit of halo, just drop the thing
Make it a pickup weapon
Make it take a while to unlock, getting it at level 5 is just ridiculous...
As for your points I agree the SAW's "spread" is laughable and it has a monsterously large magazine
Bolt shot also should not even be a starting weapon/ get rid of the alt. fire or weaken it, spawing with a shotgun isn't fair ESPECIALLY WHEN PAIRED WITH THE DMR!
The binary rifle I do not really have a problem with considering it only has two shots and the three obnoxious lasers coming from it.
My only problem with the guns is that they are WAY TOO COMMON TO STUMBLE UPON IN INFINITY SLAYER AND DOMINION!