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Jule Vortes

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Everything posted by Jule Vortes

  1. ^ The method above seems to work. I did that and was able to play my first big team battle.
  2. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/18157-halo-4-multiplayer-does-not-work-for-me-at-my-wits-end/#entry184058 One of the most annoying bugs. Right before a match starts a get sent back to main menu. Since last week I've only have like 13 matches, and only have been able to play on 3-4 maps and 2 modes. I've tried installing and uninstalling Halo 4 on my HDD but it doesn't seem to be a issue with my hard drive or internet. My NAT is open. It's a really fun game, but i can't play online as much as I want. I get the same issues in forge mode, and spartan ops.
  3. I haven't been able to play forge, or spartan ops either. In forge it says i'm missing maps, and spartan ops does the samething as in multiplayer; sends me back to main menu.
  4. Well did it fix it? I'm having the same issue, been having this issue since day, and it's really ******** me off >.<. I've been able to play only on 3 maps.. Edit: I installed both disc one and two onto my hard drive. It didn't fix it.
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