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Everything posted by Xerkos333

  1. All the blocks/structers that you place should have the option to change their skin colour/color. Such as making the forerunner block have a brick skin or a old worn out stone skin.
  2. What woud be the best option for a the leveling system in Halo 4 as in Multiplayer and what affect should it have on your spartan?
  3. Thats a lot to ask of 343. I really want the skulls back because it was fun just looking for them. Maybe if they brought back the 16 player campaign because that was pure havoc and so much fun
  4. What about one that has butterflies around you? And please bring back flaming helmet. I got to be a light house if i spun around in circles
  5. It really doesn't bother me as long as there isn't to many. Spike grenades and Plasma had the same core function except one did less damage so there was little point in the spike grenades.
  6. So will these be unlocked by the reach style credit system? Or some new system where in game achievements get you armor?
  7. What about the attachment he places on it when he is fully in space. Maybe space battles will change the weapons you use a little.
  8. Sounds a lot like starwars battlefront. Only problem is that i doubt there will be servers for an Xbox console that can support 40 players. P2P connection would be horrible and 343 would need to supply Dedicated servers for such a game type.
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