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No Po

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Posts posted by No Po

  1. If you have them, pick a new game to play.

    I don't care if you're new.

    I don't care if multiple people play on your account.

    If you want to get better, play League of Legends.

    You might learn something about K/D ratios, Teamwork, Map awareness.

    All in a competitive atmospere.

    Not in this "Throw bodies at it" BS.

    Who knows, you might learn to win games and communicate.

    It's bad enough that the hit box's are blocky.

    People better than you should not need to deal with people who are bad.

    Also, don't stand still when you snipe, you look ******* stupid.

    Also this isn't an argument, it's a statement. So if you feel the need to make a defense.



    You can blow me.

    There, already responded to me.

  2. Nothing you said had anything to do with fixing...

    Adding things requires money, and programming. I don't think you fully comprehend how complicate it would be to add things to the game.

    And no, I won't trust you that you say the "whole community" complains about it.

    Also what does people going back to previous games have to do with anything?

  3. Hey, 343 isn't on this site.

    So first, no they can't add vehicles, they are far more complicated that a tree or a big green block.

    Second, There is nothing wrong with flood. You just don't like the way it is.

    Third, They aren't going to put the maps in because their will only be 3 map packs, so take your happy ass to Forge and make them yourself.

    And last, they don't "NEED" to do anything.

  4. *Sits at table with game developers*

    "So lets make a combat mechanic no one has done before! Like what the Clark guy was thinking of."

    "Why would we pay thousands of dollars to develop a game mechanic that people would hate? We wouldn't."

    "How about that idea with the energy sword?"

    "Yeah, lets give someone the ability to instantly kill someone. No."

    "What if it has a cool down?"


    "Longer Assassinations."

    "Are there any other ideas this guy is thinking of?"


    "Great, so lets hire this guy, as a Janitor, since the only thing he can think of is crap. Lets take five."

    *Pan to a stadium of people cheering*


  5. So let me get this straight. You think that because someone is lacking in skill, having a bad game, or is simply up against someone who's better than them that they should be given a crutch? That's not how life works, it's not how Halo works, and it's a terrible idea over all. You aren't rewarded for failing at anything other than CoD and I certainly don't want that mind set to have any place in Halo. If you keep getting killed you know what you do? You play more games and get better, you learn how to strategize, you learn how to use someones camping tactics against them. To sum it all up you improve, or you lose.


    If you keep dying you need to quit playing and ruining other people's experiences.

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