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Everything posted by Harbinger

  1. I see your points. But I have to disagree I rarely have trouble defeating it. There are multiple strategies to kill it. My favorite is plasma pistol and plasma grenade once you use the plasma pistol to disable it you can mount it and destroy it but if its to surrounded then it normally only takes a couple grenades I would suggest the AA that gives you 1 extra grenade. But by the chance your a stealth type or have low reaction time I would suggest finding the Mantis's route most players will either stay in one spot or have a set path find what the player does and use active camo to ambush him on his path or get close and take him out. I'm sure you can take him out but you might have to put thought into it. And asking for help never hurts even if no one has a mic most wont have you muted so just ask "Hey can someone detract the Mantis while I take it out?!" some people don't plug in their mic until someone starts talking strategy If you don't have a mic try finding someone to partner with before matchmaking to help you take out the Mantis.
  2. Thank you for posting this Twam. I wish the replacing goes well and easy for you.
  3. School shut off wifi while right after I finished long post and after I just entered the shoutbox. Sorry to anyone who may have talked to me and I didn't respond.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Harbinger


      Well my school has two wi-fis one with a password to use and the other one that is open to the students.

    3. Fishy


      My school is stupid. They have like 6 different Wifi's and one guest. Yet, the password is 1234567890 XD

    4. Harbinger


      Im trying that password tomorrow....

  4. MJOLNIR GEN2 Armor that the Spartan Mark IVs wear. I'd never take it off.
  5. Xbox has been broken for 5 days :( if I can buy a new power cord Im going to have to borrow my brothers.

    1. тυcкєя


      Hope It gets fixed.

      It wont be so bad If you use your brothers, at least you will have something.

      Something Is better than nothing If you think about It.

    2. Harbinger


      True very true. Hopefully if I just keep hitting mine it will fix it.

    3. тυcкєя


      I used to have to hit It, but now It Is fixed and you dont have to bang on It, which Is very good.

  6. Everytime I get on I have another 100 profile views.....dang stalkers.

    1. Sarge


      Or maybe just a stalker?

    2. Azaxx


      *insert generic remark how I'm stalked the most*

    3. BeckoningZebra1
  7. When my father bought me a Super Nintendo with like 30 games somewhere around year 2000.
  8. Whelp ladies Im now off the market. :D

  9. I might not be single soon.....

    1. Azaxx


      Thats good. Damn young people these days ;P

    2. Harbinger
  10. I like Spartan Ops, but it has some flaws in my opinion and some little things that urk me. Heres some of the following. Infinite lives-I disapprove of the Infinite lives it leaves me as unmotivated I can just run out there a million times till I win with absolutely no skill I've beaten Legendary by just throwing my body at them a million times.. I would prefer it go on a system of a few lives or lives based on difficulty. Crimson Team- I like the idea of the whole Crimson Team, but I am more of a Solo guy so when I play Solo I wish they would just say Crimson or even just throw in a blank rank to call you like Noble 6. Respawning System- Not the best I have found myself spawning right where I died......surrounded. Number of Enemies- The number of Enemies seems pretty fine to me, but I think they need better placement. Most are just in the middle of your path to your objective. Killing all enemies- I don't really like the kill all the enemies at the end of each mission I understand clearing out a LZ, but having to go to the beginning to kill a stray grunt is just unnecessary in my eyes. Cutscenes- I loved the cutscene when you escape capture and assassinate the elite. I would love more of those types of cutscenes and what really annoys me is that there is no quick getting into the pelican cutscene you just walk near or under it and POOF and of mission. I want a cool cutscene of getting in the pelican and a marine highfiving me. Reuse of maps- I used to complain about this more towards the middle of the series, but now its not so bad. But I'll have to wait till next season to see if they do the same thing to start complaining. But all in all I like the Spartan Ops series. Not perfect, but I like.
  11. A new flying covenant vehicle would be nice. But I would need a counterpart. Right now the banshee can be taken down fairly easy with the right rocket, plasma grenade, or tank/Gauss Hog. But if they added a new flying Covenant vehicle then they would need a UNSC vehicle to balance it out such as the Falcon or Hornet.
  12. Been busy as of late. School friends made me make a gaming community website. -.- Only one of them helped me code and stuff.

    1. Sarge


      *raises eyebrow*

    2. XenoPrometheanRunnerX98


      *blinks* What kind of Gaming Community website?

  13. Welcome to the 343 Industries Community Forums! I'm sure you know your way around, but if you have any questions just shoot me a PM.
  14. Yea I only really pull out my mic/turn it on when I'm talking to friends Gears of War 2 was the only game that I used my mic and actually talked to people. Man those were the days.
  15. Hurry back my friend I will await your return.
  16. I haven't really got to meet you I believe I've spoken to you in the shoutbox from time to time, but the others that do know you speak highly of you. You are really a great and selfless person from what I've heard. And it is an honor to meet you. Congrats Quantum on become Legendary Member.
  17. Alright I've got to combine two pictures to make me and my friend's youtube channel profile picture. Alright time to dust the GIMP program and take it for a go.

    1. Harbinger


      Easier said then done.

  18. Yea this is the best course to go to get your skills as high as possible. And rare/special clothing you can find/earn will help you reach the highest you can get. Also thanks Red.
  19. Well if you haven't chosen traits I would suggest Wild Wasteland you can get special items here and there, see some special Easter egg references, a get the alien ray gun. And Small frame or Steady aim. Small frame for easier difficulty easier to break your limbs but easier difficulty equals it out a bit and makes it worth the 1+ agility and Steady aim for harder/Hard core to conserve ammo. As for beginning perks I'd go with Intense Training which will let you add 1 special point to a Special which you can use 10 times sorry I completely side track this like an idiot so I'd use this as much as possible and go with educated you can only use this once but when you use Educated You gain two more skill points every time you advance in level.
  20. This made me laugh so hard great find Destroyaaa.
  21. Well from my experience(sorry if I cant help as much as I'd like to its been awhile) there isn't really anything like bobble heads(which sucks) but by New Vegas there is a medical shop which sells implants. Each implants cost 4,000 caps each and there will be one for each S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (plus some cool expensive bonus ones like defense and regenerate) and I seem to recall some small ways to earn a SPECIAL here or there in some of the add-ons. I would suggest doing what you did in fallout but I would change lowering you Charisma to Agility because Fallout New Vegas doesn't use a percentage speech to convince people it like 20% so having Charisma helps you alot off situations in Fallout New Vegas then in Fallout 3 because it boost you Speech a bit extra earlier on and in helps in a speech here or there since the new Speech system does a you need 40 speech points to speech this person.
  22. Well it depends did you get the Ultimate Edition with all the Add-ons?
  23. I prefer join in progress not being an option, beacuse most people would turn it off. With no one using it many matches would end up being half teams or just a single guy for 8 minutes and no one wants that. And unless you switch gametypes after every match you don't have to worry about it after the first match you join in on. (On a side note I love it when an enemy team is winning and I join half way through the match and make my team win)
  24. Yea I gotta say The Old Republic trailers were the best in my eyes.
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