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Everything posted by Harbinger

  1. Now you can give a long interesting post to the spambots before you destroy them. Now on a more serious note, Congrats Red great to see you in Blue.
  2. Update. My friend Seth....Makes a good destraction/snack to the zombies.
  3. Bought Halo: Fall of Reach. Only book I actually wanted to read in years.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. skummgummigubbe


      same here.. but i read Ghost of Onyx

    3. Church


      'tis a good book indeed.

    4. D-38 Boss

      D-38 Boss

      It's a great book.


      I usually read Tom Clancy though.

  4. Yea I think it said something like that. I think thats how Halo Legends said the flood beat the Forerunners because for each person the flood took over it gains that person's knowledge. By doing that it found their planets, countered their stratigies, and found resistances. At least I think; I could be wrong.
  5. As I said before and will always say. You are a great member and person truely one of the grears of these forums. You definitly deserve to be MoM of this month. Congrats Church wear your pink with honor.
  6. I have found the Hornet you are talking about. Judging by its motion, graphics, and that my Spartan Laser doesn't effect it I believe its only a background animation without any true physical form.(note I don't know alot about the working of games), but I do believe it is not an actual object.
  7. Have you ever had that feeling that you just want to put your fist right through your computer?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zuko 'Zarhamee
    3. Harbinger


      Oh that sucks. For me my laptop doesn't allow shouting I have to open 5 tabs and refresh each one for one to actually work and even then my shout my not work. Comments and Post well only work around 10% of the time. Heck this comment won't post so I'll be refreshing and creating tabs to make this work. XD

    4. Sadly Just AL
  8. I've know you around since I joined the site and you are terrific person to talk to both on Xbox live and on the Forums; you always try to help everyone to the best of your abilities and I respect that. You are truly a worthy to be this months MoM. Congrats Church may you wear your Pink with honor.
  9. Changed member title.

    1. Twinreaper


      So...your gonna show me a good time, then slice my throat. Epic! As long as you pay for dinner and the reach around!

    2. Harbinger


      ....You dont understand how much I laughed. XD

  10. I call it Guard, Secure, and Rush. First person builds an all defensive army and only guards his base and the other two players never attacking unless attacked. The next person builds a quick army and clears out a path to the enemy then attacks keeping them under pressure. The third person builds an army while the second one distracts then the third person spreads across the map and secures paths buildings and key points. Then the second person stops rushing and builds an army. When the second builds the army it meets with the third and attacks; if the attack fails the first person still is guarding. Then repeat process till you win. This works with both UNSC and Covenant but I recommend UNSC for the guarder do to the elephants and cobras. Hope this helps you win every 3v3 match and raises your true skill level.
  11. I liked Forward Unto Dawn because of the talking. It made it seem really realistic then when the fighting came it was so much more amazing. And as Dan and Caboose said there will not be a 6th.
  12. Ive been getting to know you from the shoutbox everyonce in a while and you are a pretty cool dude with alot of knowledge. Ive seen your work and Ive seen how that stuff is done and losing all of that work......I think I would have just snapped. I think just about everyone can forgive your behavior. I wish you luck on clearing out your mind and sorting out yoirself.
  13. Every Limited Edition game seems impossible to get out. Almost broke my ME3 disk getting it out. For future reference I would suggest gamecases.
  14. Goodbye Bacon you will truely be missed. I wish you luck with your journey through life.
  15. I almost don't even feel right liking this. I'm sorry to hear this I've never went through the loss of family before, so I can only image what could be going on in your life...I wish you the best of luck and I hope all goes well. But if you ever need to talk me and many other people here care for you.
  16. Recently my Compaq laptop has been on the fritz and won't allow many things, won't play videos no matter how updated my stuff is, won't allow many things on this site without having to do multiple things or just go without. So my brother has gotten a new laptop(don't ask why I didn't get one my brother always gets what he wants even if he doesn't need it) so I was thinking of taking his so heres my plan: I'm going to reset my brother's laptop to factory settings, then take multiple flashdrives and move all useful data from my currently laptop to my brother's old one, then reset this one(probably going to give this one to my dad), so anyway is this the best course of action? Because I barely know nothing of tech and would love input.
  17. I would also recommend the ElGato Capture Card my friend has one and has used it at my house. It seems really reliable, but it seems to also have trouble syncing audio from time to time. If your doing a walkthrough and your using the ElGato I would advise separating it into 15 minute parts that way it can sync up faster.
  18. I have been reading your post and seen you shout a couple of times, but everytime I see one of your post or see you in the shoutbox your either trying to help someone or explaining something(which you do a great job) and if the book your writing is half as good as your post then I'm sure you'll get published so fast you won't even have a choice. You are definitely deserve to be this months Member of the Month. Congrats and I hope to see more of your posts in the months and years to come.
  19. I would suggest sending Absolute Dog a PM describing your situation.
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