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Adrian Dallsingh

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Everything posted by Adrian Dallsingh

  1. I love Halo 4 and believe this Halo can be the BEST Halo game yet, but some believe it needs to be tweaked a bit. I am one of those people, it's a great game as is, but would be way better if some things were changed. From what iv'e been hearing from people, and from what iv'e read, there are only 2 main problems people have. The playlists, and the balancing of the weapons, (more specifically the DMR and BR). I think the DMR and BR is a problem as well, as every match iv'e played is plagued with those 2 guns being used. The BR being the less of the two. Some have said to increase the number of shots it takes to kill someone by one, or increase the bloom. I would be fine with either, but I think that's the #1 problem. I loved halo for the diversity in the weapons and fights, nades flying everywhere and people getting melee'd from all directions. Games were very hectic, now they are all mostly DMR battles, which if I wanted I would just play SWAT (which I love). Some people like they way the DMR and BR is now, and don't want them to change. So my opinion on how to fix all this, is make a new playlist just like Infinity Slayer, but take out the DMR and BR, and let everything else stay the same, that's if they choose to not tweak the 2 rifles. Now about the playlists, there just aren't as much fun playlist as there were is other Halo games (rocket race anyone). I think 343 have that under control though, they just put out SWAT, and more are on the way. The only other suggestion I have is about the armor shield. I think you die just a little to quickly, or maybe I just suck ass, but I was always a pretty good Halo player. Anyways, these are my thoughts for Halo 4 fixes, other than these things, I think Halo 4 is boss.
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