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  1. I can invert controls for whole of game which is great. But when it comes to parts of game that involve flight the controls revert to non inverted and despite going into control settings and reversing controls they stay the same. I would have thought that flight especially would have been inverted default.
  2. Hi Don't know how anyone else feels about this but I like to fly as intended. Down on stick to go up and up on stick to go down. All was good until I arrived at parts of game where I discovered that I cannot invert the controls. Have I missed something or is it as I say "the controls cannot be inverted at certain parts of the game" does anyone know of a fix for this. I am very dissapointed with Halo 4 at the moment. Just the fact that I cannot invert the controls for flight is enough to put me off the whole game. When I select inverted controls I expect it to be like that all the way unless I choose to change.
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