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Everything posted by skummgummigubbe

  1. i have seen this to, apparently the CoD games are satisfied with the "same" game over and over again and halo players are afraid of changes
  2. are you in the same seat as i am i feel bored of playing at all have done nothing for 2 years but playing games (i have no work) then you should break that habit and do something else
  3. Minecraft either to PC or xbox (you can get it fo free to PC)
  4. skummgummigubbe


    i'm trying to get some more HALO 4 into Black Ops 2
  5. yes for some reason i did go offline and during that time i was sleeping
  6. well i don't know then all the immature images are in halo to
  7. welcome as a staff and i wonder what fun and interesting ideas you can come up with
  8. thats great i have plans to have this server up at least 3 months to start with
  9. well of course it will but hey it's an ELITE xbox with 5 years on duty and about power if there is a change in electric bill i have to consider to remove it but that is a later issue
  10. i have a separate xbox with an separate GT and have it on 24/7 but i have issue with auto save
  11. well it is free roam but you can kill people, think skyrim but the main thing is mine and build one part is make a post like yours, second is to add the GamerTag: M server then it is just to join any time you want
  12. it get boring time to time but water hack all games does, and yes you can kill on this server but are not allowed to go and kill any one you want
  13. yes i love it it is fun to just o play for a bit (but actually it is several hours)
  14. apparently i was wrong the internet is working fine
  15. the internet is down home i hope that it is not serius as previus years where i have been without interet for weeks (phone)
  16. yes it is PvP but therefore you are not allowed to kill any one you want. i'm making an PvP arena that is great for that EDIT: you sent to wrong GT sen to GT: M server
  17. if you have had any goods stolen from you from any recent bad people send a PM to me about what the stuff was and i will se what i can do (i may not compensate for stolen cobblestone just the more hard archived items)
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