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Everything posted by skummgummigubbe

  1. i have a Gamestop pre-order code for hazop forest and arctic BR if someone want to trade, with some other pre-order stuff

  2. and a small update they can do is remove thruster pack from FLOOD and replace it with sprint or do so you can't use the "sword" while using thruster that's one of my few complaint
  3. isn't a multiplayer update once a week pretty god compared to other games that have less than once a month or even more less
  4. i am maybe correcting you but.... if a team of 4 players all have the taktical pakage granadier there will be max of 12-16 granades (depending if you have 3 or 4 granades)
  5. i think it is great but OFC it is to short and the only thing a have a hard time with is i don't really get it why the didact is in the game, who is he?
  6. i think they are to skinny "They're spartans... not models..." models are skinny IMOO
  7. if you have given walmart your e-mail then it may come shortly if you just bought it in store, they may have forgotten the code and you have to go back
  8. i have my HALO 4 in my hand now i'm playing it after the install :)

  9. you will be enable to watch it on waypoint but i don't know how, i don't have HALO 4 yet maybe you have to wait until waypoint gets the new halo 4 update
  10. sadly my local gamestop dont have night open
  11. congratulation your lucky *******
  12. that great written and i agree, but there is no developers from 343 here this is only a community forum
  13. carbine and AR other than that i want to test all new forerunner weapons
  14. congratulate now come to us at the 1000th poster club
  15. well i cant se any similarities with the other jackals and that's may be because of a different type of jakals (from another planet) and hunters i have not seen any i have not played the game yet so no spoilers please
  16. yes you will be able to do so it is based on war games you can even make your own loadout (for your weapons)
  17. one "OK" thing and one BAD thing, first the "OK" i just got glasses and the BAD thing my local Gamestop will not have night open at NOV 6 :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cry0G3n1c


      I have glasses and i look like the nerd that i am. and damn thats stupid. Worst gamestop ever

    3. Zaguroth


      EB Games that I preordered at isn't having midnight release either, I think it's because it's in a mall and a rather small store...

    4. DerpWithAGun


      My EB Games is having midnight launch! YAY! First midnight launch I will have gone to. I hope they have Halo 4 to play and some giveaways!

  18. both my mom and dad is deeply interested in Halo, they have played 1,2 and 3 not the other halo just the "basic" games
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