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Everything posted by skummgummigubbe

  1. congrats now it is the 1000 mark. i'll see you there
  2. welcome to us and hope you enjoy your stay, if you have any question don't be afraid to ask
  3. a tips forge at the space map it looks pretty dark to begin with
  4. some times bugs and gliches will be repaired with an update and other with the next game but with CoD they have had the same bugs and gliches in all moden warfare games but i'm actually excited about Black ops 2 i think that could be the best game they made yet i will never forget nor diss Bungie i am even excited about their next game (rumors it will be an MMO halo style) they has always been my favorite game developers
  5. i'm sceptical when 343 announced forge they said that there will not be able to make pitch black rooms but why not try when halo 4 release
  6. i just ordered a ElGato game capture card so it will be at my house within a week. then i can start to do my youtube videos

  7. we will have aloot of that in the game so be patient, this Live Action trailer was as great as it can be and also your idea is lilte bit based on halo 3 Halo 3 release trailer "Starry Night" IMOO but it is an awesome idea for a cutscene in game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8jGPJvTHA4
  8. it makes me so sad that people judges games so hard before they even played it and i consider myself as a true halo fan like when i first saw the grenade indicator i was like OMG nooo but now i don't mind, it don't bother me so i can't se you as a true halo fan Ntouchable but sorry that's how i see peoples that judging games beforehand and judge it so hard
  9. actually you just could have it edited by him instead of deleting it
  10. EOD, Orbital or Rouge and why not scanner i don't think they look awful i think they are interesting
  11. i agree this is to far but hopefully the information is wrong
  12. if you are lucky you may find a LE so the only option is standard edition so you may be to late to choose but you can always talk to your lokal game store if you can get LE i would recomend LE if you can afford it
  13. i only have all games and some few books Halo reach Legendary edition Halo CEA edition then i just got every one standard and i will get Halo 4 Limited edition and Halo 4 xbox but i'm working on my collection it's getting bigger and bigger
  14. we just got NETFLIX in sweden i'm so happy now i can watch so many movies :)

  15. wow this looks really funny do a remake on H4 and i will download it (to much files on REACH)
  16. i have thought to do the same but to many peoples are depending on me here but if the spoilers increase in amount i will go dark to
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