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Everything posted by skummgummigubbe

  1. accuracy is something to train in, the sticks may can help, i don't have any but i think they may help in driving games more you have more precision steering than in FPS
  2. that would be great if they make one and include the content that had to be removed from the original HALO 2
  3. congrats hope to have an interesting chat with you
  4. its good that you know what's important and you are always welcome here any time any day
  5. oh.. it was maybe that i heard, its sounds familiar when you say it
  6. well IF i buy it i will have an SMG (W attachments)and only perks no grenades,axes and so on but i will probably buy it for the ZOMBIES only (probably test MM if it is ok i play it)
  7. i have never liked to play specific elimination gametypes but i wouldn't mind it existed in H4
  8. they may be thrown in 1v1 and 2v2 and if they are not popular they may change them or remove them but i would like to have a 1v1 but it should be fair to both no clases (pre-set)
  9. well i don't have an answer on that but i think i heard it too but with the things that comes with H4 LE and H4 LE xbox (armor,skins) but as you say it will ruin the feel of it be LE
  10. well if you love them i think you should get one dont get an animl you dont want to have and the animal i would like to have is a snake or a turtle (TMNT)
  11. Well is it really that big difference?? and the RvB pilot variant is little bit older even before reach (before halo 3 at least) i think (according to their story line)
  12. wow must download and test is it made by you?
  13. "what happens is meant to happen otherwise we would not be here" - skummgummigubbe
  14. QOUTE IMO it would be horrible. Too much splitting campaign may result not understandable. And, there is no Noble-Seven/Eight/Nine. Only Six. QOUTE of course i did not meant to be in reach but in later half or another game series (i would love it) QOUTE nice idea but that would make it difficult for lone wolfs to get the full story =/ QOUTE there exist online co-op in both halo 3 and reach and it will also make you play the campaign multiple times. like COD campaign i only play them 3 times 1-to play it 2-play it on hardest difficulty 3- get the last achievements
  15. wow pretty amazing i love the bird on the clock tower
  16. Qoute We all know that we can play as the chief in the campain again and i love that, but what if it was a two part campain? I'm saying what if you could play as the cheif fight to get TO the UNSC infinity AND as a specific spartan IV (maybe your online character) fighting in a "firefight" type campain trying to hold off waves of covinant or forunners FROM the UNSC infinity? This would bring another dimention and point of veiw to the gameplay. And when the chief gets to the Infinity you just continue to play as the chief fighting with the AI controlled Spartan IVs. Qoute what would love to experience is for example in reach when you and jorge went out to space what did the other spartans do (i know what they did) but wouldn't it be cool that player 1 goes to space and player 2 goes and saves civilian player 3 does something else, same with player 2 then they meet up in the end of the LVL. and then for you to play that part you have switch character or player position
  17. nice i like what i get (both) and the armor that comes with H4 LE looks like this RED vs. BLUE S10E2
  18. well for me it doesn't matter i have no/little problems with the name showing, but that is probably an feature in Halo 4 that will be modifiable
  19. Welcome i hope you enjoy your stay and if you have question don't be afraid to ask the moderator or other willing persons who can answer
  20. agree to you Zelda and also you jester if i dont have more to say than "sorry can't help you, or yes I agree" i don't usually don't post if not that what the thread makes is requested
  21. i must say gears of wars because i almost cried (if it had been less peoples in the room when the scene come i had cried) it was mostly because of the song (mad world-gary jules) the song was also in Gears of wars 1 launch trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccWrbGEFgI8
  22. that will make halo 4 to unbalanced
  23. well guilty spark 343 (spioler... but who have not played HALO 3)is dead but there is 6 more and also probably 342 more
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