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Everything posted by skummgummigubbe

  1. it is diferentitems on LE and LE xbox i just pre ordered my xbox today
  2. many may have seen this but i think this must be very fun to do with 8 players then you have a purpose in minecraft http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E-1UMsb7wM&feature=relmfu&noredirect=1[/url]
  3. i think the elites (covenant) MC encounter in requiem is some sort of stranded that don't have received that the human and elites are friendly and they have lived there for many years that's why they have different armour, they have to evolve by them self
  4. looking good it to much fun to forge my self i have made 5-7 maps that is playable (hopefully i get a capture card soon so i can upload my creations to my youtube)
  5. what my money is going to is HALO 4 LE HALO 4 LE XBOX 360 ROXIO game capture card maybe some new headset
  6. i don't think i have any failure moves
  7. well i dont think there need any thing to be done maybe just the 343i logo at the top nothing else
  8. welcome hope you have a good time with us
  9. i did all the LASO challenges once but not again and when you have to win 70 games... before that challenge is shown i win every 2nd game then the challenge is shown i don't winn at all
  10. male lizard (don't remember what they are called)
  11. i had no problems with bloom before the the announcement of reducing it (then i saw it was there)
  12. i'm trying to *cough *cough download it but it wont work... have to buy it if so i'll buy it to xbox
  13. wow i have not seen this before very interesting and good find
  15. why not adding them to Matchmaking but only when you die, like fall die
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