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Everything posted by skummgummigubbe

  1. i have not played metroid so i don't know.. all i know is that it look awesome
  2. you have apparently not played COD MW3 much, MW3 only have 11 + 1 COD ELITE skins and GOW 3 has over 20+ skins
  3. we will have the most of our question answer at the end of the summer but i would like a more colorful forge
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpyzFSKKFho&feature=BFa&list=ULGcF1vYfAYFg
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pce6YWF6sW8&feature=BFa&list=ULDcYfktshhpY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcF1vYfAYFg&feature=BFa&list=ULPce6YWF6sW8
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jxn1Uu5wwo&feature=BFa&list=ULQghJLZaOsSs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcYfktshhpY&feature=BFa&list=UL7Jxn1Uu5wwo
  7. i just found this person's work on youtube and they look stunning, some ar better and some are just ridiculous (do remember this is not real just photoshopped and his own and suggested ideas on skins) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Er_biSxDNQ&feature=BFa&list=ULnpU1KN6wsbo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npU1KN6wsbo&feature=BFa&list=UL1Er_biSxDNQ
  8. actually none of them, i think those in H4 will be kind of a badass
  9. i depends we, don't know how halo 4 plays out yet (forge,theatre and so on)
  10. i think the number may reduce before release, i spoke to my local gamestop owner and she said the stuff in the limited edition only is kind of a speculation.
  11. thay dont need to be in H4 but can appear in H5-H6
  12. i will do this just before halo 4 released, but i need a new halo 2 it is too damaged to play and i will include ODST and H wars (but not play, just view the cinematics)
  13. i know i'm still in progress i'm going to make another 2 cars
  14. i think halo will leave a huge footprint in gaming history (and other media)and in 10-15 years people will still talk about halo
  15. i would use the shelf in the store you block the zombies way and search up a baseball bat rather than a noisy BB gun, i clean out the zombies one by one andhead to a medical/food store has the most useful and light supplies and searching either for a small and fast car or a big car that can take much damage(like a truck) (i dont want to get stuck in the middle of the road by all cars standing in the way) i get the furthest away from the high populated placesand starting to build shelter from a lone house and gatter more supplies......
  16. coment and say what you like and dislike and i will se if i can make a change
  17. and the map you can choose is the map that works like custom games in reach you can't choose a race game on a slayer map
  18. that was an great idea it would probably work like when you start a game in forge MM you will come to a list that any other will be able to choose your and other maps to join and then they can not only rank your map but also rank you so people will know that you makes good maps, and you will be up top or bottom of the list if there will exist a filter system
  19. i think most of the people here fell like this #! (it is not my video) http://halo.xbox.com...on-Parody-.aspx
  20. i have to see if include the 1 year active, getting short on space on the cars
  21. wow i'm so sceptic to this game and BO2 and the graphic on the weapon scope look like borderlands, with the thick black lines
  22. welcome to us here you will have a good time
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