I have made a calculation and as i understand it a season will be 7 months (correct me if im wrong)and my thoughts is that there will be 4 seasons until HALO 5 about 2 years after HALO 4
(maybe not so very interesting but it was fun)
read this first
How long does a season of Spartan Ops last? And also, how many seasons will there be? –MeCauseIShotYou
A season of Spartan Ops will be months, rather than mere weeks. Each mission should take about 15 minutes or more, depending on number of players and difficulty rating. Fiction will be incorporated into gameplay via vignettes, voiceover, and other methods, and compounded by episodes of straight drama, around seven minutes in length. And there will be five MISSIONS per week and one episode of naked fiction, which roughly equals well over an hour of content per episode. Between Spartan Ops and Campaign, you're basically getting two campaign equivalents for one price.
from halo waypoint bulletin
* = multiply
/ = divide
4(weeks) * 7(Months) = 28 weeks
28(weeks) * 5(maps) = 140 missions
15(min) * 140(missions) = 2100 min
2100(min) / 60(min(1 hour)) = 35 hour
and thats only one season (if it is 7 months)
so the sum up is that you will have to do when its out 140 missions is pretty much
and then i have not included the fiction in the calculation
4(weeks) * 7(Months) = 28 weeks
28(weeks) * 1(fiction) = 28 fictions
28 (fictions) * 45(min) = 1260 min
1260(min) / 60(min(1 hour)) = 21 hours
so 21 hours of fictions and that's based that every fiction is 45 minutes
so to get this for all seasons just multiply with 4 (now its your turn to do some calculations)