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Everything posted by skummgummigubbe

  1. keep on with the good idea one day it will be a great one
  2. ok it's like ordinary slayer, it will work with halo 4/5/6 (they have instead of 1 point kill they have now 10 point kill.. but don't know how assist, sprees and medals work) Game type it is like ordinary slayer with 50 kills (500 points) and a timelapse on maybe 5-7 minutes when your team hit 50 kills (team RED) the game does not end, the game ends when the time goes out then you wonder, both teams will be at 50 kills at time ends who wins when first team reaches 50 kills they don't receive any more point the objective is to stay att 50 kills and keep the other team under 50 (team Blue) you probably wonder how they do that the other team is only at 35 kills so there kills still counts but for every kill they get the other team loses 1/2 kill (5 points)1 kill (10 points) so the more kill the blue teams get the less skill points the red team have and you can't get a half kill so you must wait till you have 49 killed in order to get 50 so the objective for the blue team is when the red team reaches 50 is to deny their win by killing then both to lower the red teams score and raise the blue teams score in order to win and if both have 50 probably very hard to have there will be a tie Do comment both positive and negative what you like/don't like what to improve and what not to improve + this is only a rough demonstration of the idea for work is needed to have it playable (the only reason to the color is to have track on the teams)
  3. i dont want it to come to PC
  4. just found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkAtFvIrELg&feature=g-all-u
  5. no Far Cry is better than the first one Far Cry 2 was a big fail in my eyes and Far Cry doesn't even have anything with nr1 to do neither did nr 2 (IMO)
  6. that is exactly what you should do that's the point of armour customization
  7. or just replacement of the H:R grenade launcher and concussion rifle
  8. actually he built it himself and he don't sell any thing he makes but would be a nice legendary edition (if they made one)
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Vzd9LoQGyk&feature=g-all-u
  10. ok to start up i pre-ordered halo reach legendary edition and get it the first day and played i continued to play for a year constantly minimum 5 hours a day monday to friday and i never quit a game (either it was FF or MM) over a year (maybe one or two) a did all the LASO challenge (the whole campaign on LASO) after reach one year anniversary i was mythic and i started to getting a bit bored because it was nothing to fight for (i unlocked all armor.. not bought) so i played less but i waited for an update that come in november so i sad to my self why not earn so much credits i can on that time (for maybe some armour update) i earned around 2 millions, november come and new armor. so i spend all my credits on buying all armour had 87% armor completed, when spending all i had 98% just the two last armor effects on 3 millions then late mars i quitted one game and before i quit i get around 6000 credits (without challenges) after quit i got not even 2500 an im almost eclipse (only 200 000 credits left) and my friend got like 6000 every mach and he quits like every fifth game and not forget to mention i only got credit cap once and that was on bungie day and i also did not get alot of credit bonuses most i did get was two 30k on bungie day so my feeling is that bungie/343i dislike me or is it just me that have have very bad luck
  11. i thought for a second you did talk about the OLD good days when they didn't even had alpha zombie just plain infection with 8 players and no forged maps (as i remembered it)but ya i also dislike the new maps and game modes miss my best time when i got like 64 kills and died 2 times on cage... good memories
  12. EOD base and needs no improvements (only that it must to be in halo 4)
  13. ican't join XBL Rewards Quote: Unfortunately, you can't join Xbox LIVE Rewards right now. It's strictly because the program is not available in your country. Check back often as new countries are being added to the program. Un Quote douh thats sad
  14. i am happy with the $99.99
  15. would be a nice feature and mention not oficial 343 forum go to waypoint
  16. i will pre order it after E3 2012 (when the H4 xbox will probably be announced) oo my 300th post
  17. he left earth and went to his home planet at the end of H3 arbiter will maybe be in either H5 or H6
  18. there will be halo 5 and 6 and probably dome games between
  19. and a lot of digital stuff
  20. i think they do like when they started halo, halo ce had none and halo 2 had a limited edition, so halo 4 is a new trilogy so maby halo 5 and halo 6 have legendary and it could also be they dont know what else to put in a legendary edition
  21. there methane tanks has been upgraded so they don't need their mask just a tube thru their nose it's evolution man
  22. have you seen the armor skins mass effect 3 multiplayer kinda like that
  23. it is the same colour it is just no light on it (shadow) you should more look on the orange stripe that is probably a skin (changeable)
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