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Everything posted by skummgummigubbe

  1. hey I will quote a Swedish newspaper clipping from the magazine Gamereactor related to HALO "Steven Spielberg makes Halo movie? Mysterious press kit reveals the Halo movie next year A Halo movie backed upp by Steven Spielberg and Dreamworks will apparently be released next year, according to a new report. The French press kit for the book Halo: Cryptum, receipt of Halo.fr, contains the following: "A film adaptation is set in 2012. It Will Be Jointly conducted by heavyweights of American Cinema: Steven Spielberg and Dreamworks." Fans speculate now that the Halo movie will be based on Cryptum novel. Cryptum is also the first book in a Forerunner story by Greg Bear. but it is not the first time we hear that Steven Spieldberg are involved in a Halo movie. 2009 we heard that he was in discussions with Microsoft about making a movie based on a script called Halo: The Fall of Reach" it was the excerpt from the paper and I think the film should not be "real" graphics, but animated like the new Tintin movie and if there is someone who knows more ore just have toughts just Comment
  2. it looks grate but i still dont like the white(blue) blur in the backround. making the pickture in the backround only show top half, i like that blur to dissapear
  3. WoW thats looks awsome that must mean it will come something new in the armory soone or a halo 4 thing and i like the dolls sound when pounched and i also found the doll in FF map instalation was nnot to har to found..
  4. thats awsome kills, death... im going to put up my 60+ kill and 100+ kill games on youtube later when i will get my game capture device then u kan look
  5. maby it is hard to insert new armor and take a lot of space... but when u say "Can we all just not be happy with what we have" i think NO im nobel, thats 5 lvls without geting anything so whats the point of playing then..
  6. i hope they permanenly put in loke 15 in file share ore something and for them who want to buy more they can have 30 ore soething
  7. in theory u should die if u got a stick on u and armor lock, bekouse the stick is on the "inside" and it is soposed to protekt from the outside stuf like granate,rockets and so on
  8. 3 things i noticed 1 cortana dident change collor like on original 2 sgt jonsson dont look the same hard to see it was jonsson 3 and johns stomach look a litle weird at the end but it isnt the final game so much kan be shanged
  9. Hi i just wounder what ur highest kill count and/ore KDR for one match My highest KDR i 1 game was K 66 and D 3 end up in + 63K and it was an Living dead game and the highest kill count i one game was 131 in Grifball, but i died 59 times but still with a KDR of 72 anf the worst game with bad KDR is i think - 20 to 25 i think
  10. i dont realy understand are u plaing the actual halo reach? and are there any other language speaking there?
  11. i totaly j**z my pants i kant wait any more WANT IT NOW
  12. a question the winner who gets HALO CEA will they got the pre-order stuff like the skull and avatar item??
  13. it took a while to read BUUUUT....... most of this was good some thing i disslike was dropping weapon that can bee boosting if it will be maked wrong and i like the idea with the budget it is hard to build a bad as lagre mapp with only 10000 in budget and to few things in stach inkrese almost all to like 200 ore somthing like that but if murines and stuff like it added it can only bee like 20-40 if else it will probably crach thats my opinion but i think 343 will do a super good jobb with HALO 4 just look at the other HALO's.. its just wait an see (sorry for the spelling)
  14. its kinda cool but they should make it more halo 4 style less reach (i ment like the "MY PARTY" stuff )
  15. "i have so many achibebols" caboose RvB i think they should schange it to caboos Bleep Bloop its mor funnier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdZC5LJswFE
  16. I am skeptical to the movie i they are doing it in "real" not animated... just look at the halo wars clips they look awsome i want a movie like that
  17. wy dont have dubbel CR weekend ore something like once weekend a month and higher credit limit like 300,000cr
  18. i did it on a day swat all the way easy
  19. why did bingie put hayabusa in the game it is from ninja gaiden? only changed to fitt a spartan and kelly-087 EVA MARK IV helmet coolest of all EVA this far
  20. Ya I do not know why sooo many complain of REACH, I've played it for a year and it still goood (but it's getting boring because there's nothing to chase after), i do get iretated when a child armor loked just before I was soposed to kill him but then I changed my game type (try living dead no DMR), I think every Boddy complain to much I appreciate the work that Bungie and 343 do bekouse I can not make a game so stop complaining a make your own games that is better than halo REACH and the rest of the series, then it will probably end up lice CoD
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