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Everything posted by Iimitz

  1. Canadian here. Yes myself and all the other Canadian players I personally know received an email late last night.
  2. Sorry I should have clarified. If you no longer partake in the act of self portrait in which you are both the photographer and the one being photographed; I would supply you with a code.
  3. I'll give you one but you have to promise to never take another selfie.
  4. Unfortunately I'm with o MERCiLiSS. The maps look incredibly bland and look as though they are just the same ones recycled (Vortex but smaller). Harvest looked slightly interesting but all seem to have very bland designs when you compare them to previous games. I expect more from the maps in the future.
  5. I rechecked, it was definitely Galileo (as put in my edit). I hadn't noticed any wireframe on them until they died but it is definitely possible.
  6. Split screen on Complex. I read somewhere that the game has the ability to dumb down graphics in order to compensate or lag/create smoother gameplay based on your connection. I have just started playing split screen with a friend for the last 2 weeks and even the incredibly large maps in big team seem to run flawlessly. It's just Complex. Maybe the standards need to be knocked down. All I know is that myself and my friend have always had a very "choppy" gameplay experience on this map as it must have trouble rendering all of the graphics. Everything is delayed and skippy it seems. Please look into complex on split screen or quite possible personal customization for graphic/performance settings. Thanks guys, definitely an amazing start at the Halo franchise.
  7. Yesterday I had a playthrough of all the chapters in the new episode. Upon activating all the guns on the last level (the one that's modelled after Complex) all the NPCs/Covenant were invisible. All you could see were their weapon and the weapons were literally dragging on the floor, and I was dying from invisible bullets. At first I thought they were on the floor below me and they were glitching through but I quickly noticed that was not the case. This went on for the rest of the mission and occasionally there would be a jackel or a pair of elites that weren't invisible. Needless to say I still completed the mission but I had to shoot little plasma pistols rolling around on the ground to win. It was like I was playing against possessed weapons. EDIT: The title should read Episode 3, Chapter 2
  8. Have a look at this video: This is someone who just unlocked Wetwork and shows you what was unlocked. It appears that each piece of the armor has to unlocked based on your specialization rank. You unlock the "support upgrade" once you reach a particular level. It will act as such once you reach that rank. Hope this video will aid in helping you understand (no it's no mine). Skip through it a bit to see.
  9. I think the ability to join in a game in progress is absolutely fantastic. In halo 3 and Reach I felt like I was always part of the team that had people ditching out part way through a game only to completely give the game away to the opposing team. When I first say I joined mid game in Halo 4 I can honestly say I had discovered my first and foremost favourite new part of the multiplayer aspect of the game. I have completely turned games around for ones that I've joined in. I understand the points that have displayed for the cons of this and they are definitely justifiable. The best solution for everyone here would be to bring back search options as they had them in previous games. -Implement the choice of whether you want to be able to join a game in progress. -Bring back connection based searching. There are very few games that offer in-game joining and I for one think it was a fantastic part on 343's decision. If I had to vote for one or another I would most definitely say to keep it in place. The fact that I can get into a game within 30 seconds is amazing to me. Lastly if you guys want a temporary fix simply party up with someone. The odds of multiple people being absent from a game vs 1 single player is far less. By partying up with someone the game can only place you where everyone in the party will fit. It's a temporary improvement for those that are popping their top.
  10. I'd like to see comparisons of Rogues stabilization differences. I read that it was supposed to keep the reticle more stable and to continue to stay zoomed while taking fire.
  11. I imagine when they implement their 1-50 ranking system early 2013 that they will create unranked/social playlists to accompany this change. Apart from this give the game a few weeks. The people that were good in previous Halo games or that spend vast amounts of time will go up quicker in the playlist making them no paired up with you. In my experience so far I have found very few aggressive players in Halo 4 if that's what is concerning you.
  12. They already announced that early 2013 they would be implementing their new 1-50 based ranking system. Each playlist will have it's own rank as Halo 3 did. Currently it is unknown of how the current ranking in game will effect this ranking system in the future.
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