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Daniel Powell

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. It's all in the patience, I don't think we'll see anything such as this till Post-Christmas. The launch experience and current overall experience would of been so much better if we just had a Halo 4 Beta. We're just going to have to wait and see
  2. I put it in the Community/weekly playlist slot. Using Team snipers in there would give people a chance to submit team sniper maps, I feel that with such gametypes we should utilize the community to make them even better!
  3. Halo 4 Experience - Infinity Slayer inc; Infinity Slayer, Infinity Slayer Pro, SWAT** -Infinity Objective inc; King of the Hill, Oddball, Dominion, Capture the Flag, Extraction - Infinity Big Team inc; Big Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, Flood? Playlists would use default Halo 4 settings Throwback Experience -Team Slayer inc; Team Slayer, Team BR's, Team DMR's** -Team Objective inc; King of the Hill, Oddball, Assault, Territories*, Stockpile* -Lone Wolves inc; Free For All Slayer, Swords, Juggernaut*, Headhunter*/Regicide Uses Halo 3 settings, DMR only available on Reach Gamemodes Join in progress is not allowed Sprint and all abilities are disabled; including gameplay modifiers Killcam is Disabled Community content is allowed; Remakes ONLY Ranked - Team Slayer - Team Doubles - FFA - MLG Community Content is allowed Join in progress is not allowed Ranked playlists would have to be tested in order to ensure the maximum team effort experience and thoroughly examined to ensure the best settings are set so some serious game play action can occur. I personally think Ranked playlists should use Halo 3 settings. Community Playlists - Weekly rota of playlists inc; Community Slayer, Community Big Team, Grifball, Infection, Team Snipers, FFA type games and anything the community enjoys Rules of the playlist would vary on what playlist is currently available. e.g. Killcam disabled for Team Snipers, enabled in Free For All. *Gametype does not currently exist, Please note that 343 and Bungie ensured the engine that Halo 4 uses is quite capable of quickly recreating gametypes. So such gametypes are a possibility **Unsure whether it would work or people would enjoy it. EDIT: Infinity Slayer and Infinity Objective could easily be merged into one playlist as could Team Slayer and Team objective in the throwback playlists and a Pre-Halo 4 version of Big Team Slayer could be added to Infinity Big Team.
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