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Everything posted by Starburstin

  1. Haha i agree with that, when you make a slayer map let me know
  2. Ive tried joining a few clans and have found a couple people on the forums that forge, but i haven't been to happy with what I find. I'm looking for the kind of forgers that know how maps work. By this i mean how they flow, points that people are going to be moving towards, key points for power weapons, and most importantly, balance. I have looked at a few slayer maps that people have showed me and I've not been impressed. Either they were awkward or just wouldn't play well. Some of them looked cool and were unique but if you were to play a game on them, it wouldn't work. So i created this topic to try to get forgers like me together, who like to build competitive maps for slayer, CTF, KOTH, FFA, and dominion like games. A few flood maps here and there is fun too. Leave a post if your interested with your GT and have at least one good map for show. Looking forward to any and all replies. "And as always, have nice day".
  3. Wish it would work, great idea.
  4. Its like saying the U.S. government actually listens to the people, anyone that lives here knows its a joke.
  5. I doubt it, wish they would but still not optimistic.
  6. All great ideas...but do you really think 343 would listen to us? Probably not.
  7. Theres a lot of forge items i wish they would bring back that i used in a lot of my maps :/
  8. I also try to add atmosphere to my maps haha, nice last sentence, i agree with that guy.
  9. Someone had to do it, damn it I've been trying to avoid this remake!
  10. Kind of a long stretch but...add landscaping options. I know it seems crazy for a game with a level EDITING system, i emphasize editing because thats all your doing. Say they implement it...ive already thought of ways to make it work, give a marker that you can place, place multiple markers and the landscape type of your pick will fill in said markers. They could add nice touches such as 5x5 and 10x10 water blocks also. Would make for some awesome underwater maps let me know what you think.
  11. Im sorry you had to go through all of this, theres obviously a lot of problems with the game. You should've brought it back to where you purchased it the next day and asked for a refund. Might have just been a faulty disc?
  12. I cannot and will not use fixed, most of my maps have many blocks that are intertwined, guess ill have to deal with this crappy, as I'm referring to it, "Twitch Glitch".
  13. Hey guys, I don't have a capture card so I found someone who does and would upload videos of my maps on youtube, the first of many is up now! I would love if you guys could watch the video and leave some feedback on it, and a like if you liked the map to help us get more views! We will be regularly adding videos of my maps as i produce them. If i get enough requests for downloads I will be putting these maps up in my Fileshare. Thanks to everyone who watches them heres the link(s). 1. Greenhouse, 4 player FFA/2v2/3v3 recommended http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5K9VmWiNUM&feature=g-all-u
  14. Hey B0b, i have tried locking every object, still get that weird twitch.
  15. Hit me up next time your on xbox, along as the new specializations aren't out, i'll be forging
  16. I have a wide variety of forging skills, add me on Xbox and i could show you some maps? I would love to have some friends on my friends list that actually know how to forge, hit me up, GT: Starburstin
  17. I don't use magnets in forge because I've always used coordinates since Reach. I have OCD and love for things to be perfect so i line everything up my self using coordinates. The problem is, when I make a map with coordinates, save the map, and restart the same map again in forge, everything on the map is altered a slight bit, its not enough to notice with your eyes but if you pick up the piece again and use coordinates, it will line it back up with the grid. I don't know why it does this and if anyone has a solution to this please share it with me, It would help a lot, Thanks! ~Starburstin
  18. I'll gladly take any code you would give me for free i'd be fine with yellow warrior because i love halo and want to show it but I'm short on money from all the 2x and other stuff I've had to buy Yo guys, for those of you who think this is a scam, its not. he sent me a message with the code in it and asked for nothing in return. There are still nice people left in this world!
  19. Thank you for the quick response, and are you completely sure you won't get the xp carried over? i stopped at 60 and when i picked the 2nd specialization i got quite a bit of xp from before i picked it one more thing, the email associated with my xbox live account?
  20. would the limited edition include the code for the specializations? if so id love to know what i could possibly give you..maybe some microsoft points or something?
  21. Hey I was hoping that either someone that works for 343i or just anyone that has a clue about this could answer my question. I didn't get limited edition so i don't have access to all the specializations, but i have maxed out operator and I'm almost done with wetworks. If i were to continue playing the game and get xp would all the xp i earn be put into my next specialization when i can pick it? so in other words say i hit 70 (max rank without limited edition currently) and i keep playing, would i jump up ranks when i pick the next or would everything i do from the time i hit 70 to the time i get my next specialization be for nothing. I don't want to continue to get xp if its for nothing. Thanks for reading this and hope to get some good answers back. ~ Starburstin
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