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  1. Armor lock is just one example of the many faults that were present in reach
  2. Forth* Learn how to spell before you post. It also sounds to me like your friend is much better than you and you took his assassination just because you were jealous of him. People like you ruin halo.
  3. Good for you? Edit: And yea, sarcasm is pretty great. Sorry I ever crossed the wisdom of such a longtime halo player
  4. You think K/D is an efficient way to judge how good someone is? lol please. Actually, judging someone based on any stat is idiotic. There are multiple factors that play into it.
  5. Since Reach? Wow you got me there. And I've done customs as well. It works the way it should, a tap is a hit to the back, holding it down gets an assassination. However, in matchmaking, it doesn't do it like that 100% of the time.
  6. In matchmaking, whether I tap the bumper or hold it, it's not 100%. I've assassinated people by tapping it, and I've beaten people down even after deliberately holding it. I just chalk it up to matchmaking having its glitches. There are plenty of others as well, such as not being able to change load outs between deaths (It gives me the option to hit Y, but nothing happens when I do), when I get out of black screen I have no armor abilities and no sprint (people also get out of black screen at different times), and after games my spartan will somehow be changed to female. I've died multiple times because I've assassinated someone who I wanted to beat down
  7. Halo: Reach was by far the worst halo game made by bungie.
  8. Halo 4 is leaps and bounds better than Reach. In almost every way. 343 has added their own touch to Halo. Its an evolution. Yea theres some things that need fixing, and theres plenty of time to do that. Halo 4 is the first installment of a new trilogy by a brand new development team. Considering everything they did, Halo 4 is extremely impressive. Halo 2 will never be matched, and there are things that I prefer in Halo that 343 changed, but its nowhere near the worst Halo. In some aspects, its on par for being the best halo ever created
  9. It should have never been removed.
  10. FaTal is right. In a competitive, team-driven game, you want as many kills with as much precision as possible. It doesn't matter who gets them, or how they're achieved. Having a teammate kill someone your assassinating shouldn't even be a bother. Obviously kids who steal other peoples assassinations even when theres nobody else around and no threats to the player doing the assassination are jerks. But if this one of the few things that upsets you in LIFE, then you either are the most care free person in the world, or your priorities are seriously jacked up
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