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Everything posted by BeckoningZebra1

  1. Welcome to the 20th 343i Weekly Community Poll! Wow! 20 of these already? Let's start with the Results of our second ever tie-breaker poll! It was extremely close, but we do have a winner: As for last week's poll, the results are in. The favorite helmet for our forum users is: This week's poll stems from all the talk about a rebooting of one of Halo's most beloved games. There are many rumors, though still no official word from Microsoft. So this week's question isn't "Do you think 343 industries will make Halo 2 Anniversary?", but rather: Do you want 343 industries to make Halo 2 Anniversary? Be sure to list your thoughts and reasonings below, along with your vote. Voting ends February 24, at 6:00 AM EST Thanks for reading and see y'all next week! Have a complaint, suggestion, or question pertaining to the poll? Message Me.
  2. So you think that the Promethean knight and watcher are over powered because they play defensively, but you want to feel like you're fighting a bunch of Megatrons? You do realize that if you were fighting Megatrons they would be smart enough to know when to be defensive and when to be offensive, right? The mental aspect of self control is just as important as the physical aspect of strength. You can't say an enemy is over powered because he plays smart. Please, take time and rethink some of your points.
  3. Welcome back Twin! P.S. Can't wait to see what those animations are going to be used for...
  4. Thanks for sharing Zag! Man, this makes me even more excited for TitanFall! P.S. Love the name of this topic
  5. Finally I justify having Netflix! :D

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      OMG thats awesome! i can't wait

    2. Spyro


      Anime isn't reason enough?

  6. Not sure if I'll be able to make it, but if I get the chance I'd lob to attend. But if for some reason I do miss out...
  7. -This is getting tense- Keep it up JL!
  8. Congratulations to Darth Mayh3m! He wore it best in Round 1 (ODST)! The topic has been updated for Round 2's theme "UNSC Aircraft" Phase 1 has begun, and Phase 2 will begin on March 10! Good Luck to all participants!
  9. I want the Arbiter to at least make an appearance of some type. He doesn't have to return as a playable character, -although that'd be awesome- but he does need to reappear at some point in the story. Hopefully when he does show up again we'll learn what he was doing all this time.
  10. Great gift Omega! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAESTRO!
  11. Well almost 3 years ago on a late April night, I sat in my room. The wind was blowing, the windows were rattling, and I had to pee really bad. But none of that mattered, because this 13 year old boy had just opened up the box of a brand new Xbox 360 Slim. I pulled the glimmering hardware out of the box, careful not to damage any piece of this amazing piece of art. I looked at the controller, it flickered to life, displaying a bright green glow that I could not possibly forget. The console hummed to life with the sound of all its intricate parts working in such unison that one could hardly behold. I went through the menus! Typed in my name! Connected to Wi-Fi! It put Nintendo to Shame! Then I did it. I pressed down on 'A' and I watched the screen cycle through hundreds, maybe thousands of names. -Then it stopped- My name had been chosen. This is finished. I am, BZ1.
  12. Having an entire planet for a canvas seems like it would be a bit much. Rather than having it all on one big planet, I'd like to have three or four maps with different biomes. This would make testing each one much easier, accessing particular areas faster, and would eliminate any severe lag problems if done correctly.
  13. Have you ever wanted to see a real life energy sword? Well look no further! Ok, so maybe it's not humming with energy but just look at that detail! This energy sword was replicated by Tony Swatton, a Master blacksmith. (In case you didn't notice) This sword is made of steel and measures in at 2 inches wide, and 39 inches long. The blade had to be heated to 600 degrees Farenheit to achieve that beautiful blue and purple color. Find out more in his video below: http://youtu.be/ROctQjQP_HQ
  14. Yes, submissions for the first round ended on the 10th. The next round starts Thursday.
  15. Excellent list and great gameplay, hope to see more content from ya Pizza. Btw, check your PM's.
  16. Great wrapup D_D A lot of content in this, good job tracking it all down.
  17. Sadly I won't be online anywhere near that time. But Good Luck anyways! Hope all goes smoothly
  18. You have to start somewhere. It's good to see that Infinity Ward is taking some steps to ensure the user experience is protected from those who would abuse it.
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