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Everything posted by BeckoningZebra1

  1. Awesome to see stockpile make it's way to Halo 4. Good find Zan, thanks for sharing.
    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      seeing as marvel and star wars are both owned by disney it was only a matter of time for this to happen and now that it is Woooooo!

    2. BeckoningZebra1


      I'm so excited! I can't wait to read the first one

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      yeah, to bad we have to wait until 2015 for the comics, but im sure they will be worth the wait

  2. 28 points...Man!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BeckoningZebra1
    3. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      Ah, so it looks like the Patriots will most likely get the Colts.... and if not Peyton gets another butt whoopin from his old team. ;)

    4. BeckoningZebra1
  3. This is quite common and not weird at all. Many users are either not signed in or just don't have anything to add. Small YouTube channels go through the same thing, 2,000 views, 12 Likes, and 3 Comments. But as long as people are viewing it, you have a chance to make an impact and leave a message, and that is what really matters.
  4. Maybe not everything should be scrapped but definitely some of it. I would like and would suspect 343 to add even more objects and features to forge in Halo 5, and would honestly be quite shocked if the majority of the structure category wasn't totally different.
  5. Finally a reason to use all that DLC I bought on Halo a few months ago Customs are the best, I look forward to attending.
  6. The Brutes. The grunts know what the Brutes will do if they don't.
  7. I don't mind having digital games, but I definitely like to be able to have a physical disc when I'm paying $60 for something. Although it may be better to go digital I think I'll keep to my hard copies for now.
  8. IT'S THE CASH RINGING- T-T-THE FLASH SINGING- THE HASH SLINGING SLASHER!!! Welcome to the community, hope you enjoy it here.
  9. Excellent MoM post Osi. I'm glad you'll be the pink guy leading us into the new year, you've earned it. Keep up the good work, Pinky
  10. Awesome, great find Omega Now if NASA would show some love back
  11. A lot of people would be upset. What if my post would've been the #100 reply?
  12. I doubt we'll receive any news from 343 directly answering why and how his visor was cracked, but I think it's more symbolic than just the results of any one thing. Most likely it's the compilation of all he's been through since Halo 4. Many scratches and scars, all from different things. The heavy burden of all he's faced throughout his life. Taken from his family, the last known of his kind, the supposed death of his closest companion, all these things have weighed down on Chief since the end of Halo 4. So those cracks in his helmet, they're not from any one "accident" I'd say they're the results of a war-torn, weary spartan near the point of death.
  13. When the time arrives I (or Osi) will send out an inv to all the GT's. We will monitor the Shoutbox while the play date runs so if you miss the start, just post in the SB and we'll invite you.
  14. Congratulations Osi! You are very fitting of your new MoM title. You've worked very hard to become such an excellent member ever since you joined and I'm glad to see you rewarded. Also very nice MoM Announcement Aza.
  15. Although I personally thought the return of Prometheans and the Covenant was necessary and already a secure element in Halo 5's plot, it's good to have the official guarantee. Good job Brett
  16. 2014 Fresh Start Hello everyone BZ1 here and I'm teaming up with Onsokumaru to announce the first play date of the year! Here's Onsokumaru with the details: Hello Friends! I hope your ready for the first event of the year! The game will be on Halo 4! We have great a game type line up for the event including: Infection(Flood), Sword Duels, Dominion, King of the Hill, Battlefront and so much more!! Also I will be introducing Dynasty Warriors! Prepare to battle your foes in head to head air battle to show which team is the strongest Space Warrior! Time: January 3, 10:00pm EST We'd like to see some new faces at this playdate, it'd be great if we could have some of you green members participate as well as you older members. We need to Kick of this year right by playing Halo with our fellow members of the forum! We hope to see you at the event! Be sure to RSVP below!
  17. I want to dedicate 2014 to Him.

  18. I'm excited to see the different types of montages this will cause for TitanFall. No doubt the majority of BF, COD, and Halo videos on YouTube have quickscoping/no scoping in them, so it will be interesting to see the results this descison will produce.
  19. Good find Omega thanks for sharing. Hopefully DERP will be stopped quickly, seeing as this is extremely immature and likely won't stop until something drastic happens.
  20. Great review Mayh3m I've never been one for gory games, but this game sounds very fun. Curious, can you co-op campaign?
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