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Everything posted by BeckoningZebra1

  1. Great wrap-up D_D, 2,000 new members in just 5 months, that's pretty good
  2. Welcome to the very first 343industries community forum weekly Poll! So this is an idea that came to me after reading an inspiring post by Total Mayh3m, about bringing the community closer. And that's just what I hope to do as you take part in these polls with us. I hope you'll find these fun and look forward to them every week. All right, to kick this thing off here's the first poll question: What is your favorite Halo game? Halo Wars Halo Reach Halo: Combat Evolved Halo 2 Halo 3 Halo 3:ODST Halo 4 Vote and don't forget to tell us the reasoning behind this below.
  3. Awesome map, Awesome pics, Awesome advice, and finally Awesome job, dude. You did really good on this map, and I love those pics, some of them remind me of a action movie scene. Good Job
  4. I love this idea! It would be great to see how the UNSC initially interacted with the Covenant, and show us how the war began.
  5. So I was getting pretty frustrated in the Global Chamionship so I amped my sensitivity and ended up placing first in the match! :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BeckoningZebra1


      I'm not 18 xD I just want those 20 Double xp matches.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Hey @Beckoningzebra1 I think they're actually searching for people who are not 18. They might disqualify you if they find you. I read it in the disclaimer and they've gone and said it already. Just to warn you.

    4. BeckoningZebra1


      Well I signed up under my dad's info, so I'd be shocked if I got banned.

  6. Awesome find choot, this game just excites me more and more every time I read an article on it. I hope I'll be able to find the Red Death rifle, better yet I hope I can find all the exotic rifles!
  7. I've got this setup below (it's a 24 in., I believe) along with some Turtle Beach x32's
  8. I think I'd get the regular edition, mostly because I don't see the $130 difference. But on laying this out, if I didn't know any better I'd say this is legit. Very nice job
  9. Going to get Dad Pre-opted (or whatever it's called) today, then surgery slated for this Tuesday.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BeckoningZebra1
    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      My brother is getting Spinal surgery... Ouch. Good luck to you man.

    4. BeckoningZebra1


      Thank you, and pray all goes well with your brother

  10. I prefer male because I'm male, and I like to imagine I'm Noble 6.
  11. Sounds like settings for firefight almost, honestly I love some of these ideas (especially sprint+B=Evade) but some of these would be way over powered. For example you said loadouts would have Infinite Ammo, that means infinite snipers, sticky dets, rail guns, etc. We wouldn't even be able to use vehicles. Dont get me wrong when it comes to armor and stuff, yeah bring it ALL and put it in one game (highly unlikely but we can still dream ) and the helmets falling off sounds even more epic, but matchmaking gameplay maybe try to adjust your list.
  12. Dont forget about SikSlik7's MoM Lobby on Wednesday(9/13/13) http://halocustoms.com/threads/aug-13-2013-343i-org-mom-customs-sikslik7.12530/

    1. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      Will RSVP if I get off work early. :)

  13. I hope we'll still be able to toggle between 1ps/3ps too, but more than that I hope fps looks better, because it was awful in the first two.
  14. Hahaha! Nice musical Gwam.
  15. I know, I'd like to have an i3 at least, but I just can't afford it.
  16. Also just as a side note, you can't play against AI Spartans.
  17. To answer the OP, I recently beat Halo 4's campaign, and I had to do the first level more than once because I couldn't hold a steady connection while in the campaign. So what I did and suggest you may want to do as well, was started a party with my friend and stayed in the party while I did campaign. No connection problems at all, and I got all my achievements and armor.
  18. Nice setup man, I've got a HP, AMD E1 processer, and it's running Windows 8. I bet there's nothing like that i7 though, is there?
  19. We'll be waiting, hope all goes well.
  20. The one of Link looks awesome, good job
  21. Hello Wagoner1993! Welcome to the community! I can't wait to see some of your maps, and hope you'll enjoy Halo with us.
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