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Everything posted by Oophilly215oO

  1. There not using? message me the code if you do. I would greatly appreciate it!!
  2. If you liked that video subscribe to my channel for more http://www.youtube.com/user/Oophilly215oO
  3. how to's and gameplay on my channel check it out http://youtube.com/user/Oophilly215oO
  4. If you wanna see HD videos and also halo 4 content ranging from achievements to gameplay check out my channel please any views or subscribes if you like my videos are muchh appreciated, seriously. i need your help! haha tell me what you think/what i can improve on too. youtube.com/user/Oophilly215oO or just search Oophilly215oO in the youtube search bar thanks guys : )
  5. if they remake it better and still with the sword then hell yea
  6. i uploaded a video today of me going 36 and 12 today in swat i usually do good in swat but today i blew it out of the water in this playthrough check it out on my channel if you got some spare time youtube.com/user/Oophilly215oO or just search Oophilly215oO on youtube thanks for anyone that checks out my channel, likes and comments as well as subscribes would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  7. tutorial on how to do it simple as that. check out my channel for halo achievements and more thanks : ) youtube.com/user/Oophilly215oO or just search Oophilly215oO on youtube just tryna help out
  8. i got videos on my youtube channel on how to get skullduggery and no one left behind achievement, as well as war games gameplay if you wanna check it out www.youtube.com/user/Oophilly215oO or just search Oophilly215oO on youtube.com
  9. Hey Guys, if you wanna see halo 4 gameplay/achievements/hiding spots you should check out my youtube channel www.youtube.com/user/Oophilly215oO or just search Oophilly215oO on youtube.com im a new channel just starting off and i could use all the support i can get. i'd much appreciate any comments, likes, subscribes, or messages you guys can give me give me suggestions on new videos i should do or some constructive criticism. Thanks again so much for anyone that can help my channel out and if you have just any questions in general feel free to ask i've played every halo game and im pretty well rounded with it
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