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The Skookumchuk

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Everything posted by The Skookumchuk

  1. I don't understand the logic behind taking out betrayals from Infinity Slayer. At least half of the time I get into a Mantis, Banshee, Gauss Hog, Scorpion...hell, even Mongooses; my jealous teammates plasma pistol me, melee my vehicle, and throw nades on me and blow up my vehicles. And there's no consequence. No chance to boot them or anything. I just get a vehicle blown up every single time, which really makes BTB even more unplayable than it already is. It's really damn annoying that there's no deterrent to jealously blowing up teammates vehicles, or nade spam for that matter. Betrayals need to be put back not just for these reasons, but also because they're a part of Halo and the fact the 2 biggest playlists don't have them in is silly.
  2. Take out stickies and plasma pistols from BTB loadouts. No longer BTB, vehicles get shat on hard and it's just DMR fests.
  3. Got Halo 4 a couple days ago, love the game. It's different than what I expected, but good. Definitely my favourite FPS since Bad Company 2. But I gotta say, I'm kind of very super disappointed with BTB. No objective playlists grinded my gears, but what really cracks my crayons is the DMR. On the maps with longer sight lines, it ruins the whole BTB experience. Everytime I get Valhalla, which was my favourite map in H3, it just turns into getting DMR'd right off the spawn from across the map. There's hardly any vehicle warfare, sniping's obsolete. DMR needs to either have it's long-range power nerfed, or it needs to be removed from BTB. The rest of the playlists are pretty freaking awesome, it's just sad that my all-time favourite game-type is basically just 8v8 DMR fest now. Also, where is Team Snipers?
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