Got Halo 4 a couple days ago, love the game. It's different than what I expected, but good. Definitely my favourite FPS since Bad Company 2.
But I gotta say, I'm kind of very super disappointed with BTB. No objective playlists grinded my gears, but what really cracks my crayons is the DMR. On the maps with longer sight lines, it ruins the whole BTB experience. Everytime I get Valhalla, which was my favourite map in H3, it just turns into getting DMR'd right off the spawn from across the map. There's hardly any vehicle warfare, sniping's obsolete. DMR needs to either have it's long-range power nerfed, or it needs to be removed from BTB. The rest of the playlists are pretty freaking awesome, it's just sad that my all-time favourite game-type is basically just 8v8 DMR fest now.
Also, where is Team Snipers?