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Everything posted by Minuette

  1. Just noticed on a hero awakens, it says part 1 so that means there could be another one! part 2 :D

  2. Mine would be the sneaky type armed with a magnum and a sniper rifle with a armor set of this, likes to keep his distance
  3. After setting up a shelf for my halo collection, I passed by my legendary edition of reach and reread halseys journal for the heck of it, after reading the Mark VII it says the suit has "Active AI transfer protocols" wonder what that means

    1. skummgummigubbe


      i assume it is like the AI can transfer between electronic without any cables or discs like what they do in H3 when cortana walks into MC hand and she is in the helmet

  4. Had a wind storm, couldn't record it :( knocked down a couple of trees on my block, but anchorage has more of a worse problem, trees on houses and cars

  5. I have a datel controller, which allows you too re-map button controls of your choice, but the controller has bad thumb sticks making it harder to aim
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__om9DwCDZA sorry for not that clear of a video, something was wrong during the recording
    1. EliteSniper
    2. EliteSniper


      Also, the quality is pretty good.


    3. Complete Loser

      Complete Loser

      Lmfao that was the "Dancing Astronaut" Easter Egg

  7. Added a chapter to my story, The character named Kai will make a appearence in my machinama "Eternal Night" a preview I am working on is called "The Crypt" and will feature him

  8. Added another short chapter to the story, Chapter 4 will make up for it with all the twist and turns this and a couple of more chapters are for those who don't like.... nvm and the chapters after that will have more of a action sequence adding to the end of the story
  9. lol, I see Lyra Heartstring dug this dead thread that was made a long time ago, must of went waaaaay back just look for anything with mlp eh?
  10. It would be nice if you can take control of it and just move it around with you seeing from it's "eyes"
  11. ooooh can't wait for this, can't decide, unicorn or pegasus, I want to fly, but I also want to shoot fireballs
  12. Can't wait, We still don't know if he is bad or not, there was a one piece of text appearing saying "come"? maybe The Didact is showing master chief something? oooh just can't wait
  13. Moderators already know who will be MoM because they talk with themselves and discuss who is worthy enough, He already knows
  14. Seems likely, maybe the script with halseys name on it is where Chief contacts halsey, not meets her, but contacts her to find out if anyway he can slow the deteriation down until they can get back to earth safely with having The Antagonist escape, or maybe Halsey gets flown to him in the next game maybe?
  15. newest vidoc is awesome, they showed almost exactly how master chief will react emotionally, you can kind of see it when he talks to cortana after crash landing of Requiem, plus when he was fighting the leite, that scared the stuff out of me because he just grabbed his mandibles and was twisting it around

    1. Minuette


      plus the music near the end is very creepy and has a scary feeling to it

  16. Oh excuse me for making you feel sad when i'm coming back silly filly
  17. You know what? I can't leave, the sad thing is, You guys are probally the only people I talk to, This is a great community and I can never leave, So I suppose I'm "back" but don't celebrate yet, I have something personal coming up soon and if luck fails me, I may have to be gone for a couple of months, it's personal, so no one ask what it is

    1. Minuette


      I was mistakened in mind *you'd get the reference if you watched the video*

    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      I don't want you to leave!

  18. You know what? I can't leave, the sad thing is, You guys are probally the only people I talk to, This is a great community and I can never leave, So I suppose I'm "back" but don't celebrate yet, I have something personal coming up soon and if luck fails me, I may have to be gone for a couple of months, it's personal, so no one ask what it is
  19. As you can all tell by the title, I am leaving, may not be permanent, but it may be permanent, don't get your hopes up, I'll come back and finish the story I have already started since some of you wanted me too. I made a video just for this, the beginning part was just a test if you really want the goodbye skip to 0:8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaMhYGm1HjE
  20. Finsished Chapter 2 and 3 and will have it up tomorrow night, then I'll work on chapter 4, it's a good story so far, (spoiler ahead) having the main character be several different people (or things) will be interesting

  21. I am always thinking, everytime I get into a freemode game and just driving around, or boating, some hacker always comes a long and just sarts trying to take me down with a invincible helicopter, how do I know this> I was on a boat and his helicopter went under water for about a minute.....

    1. Zaguroth


      I've had that happen to me >.<

  22. lost a couple of chapters, may go without the spartan character in the game, and stick with a dark secret and stuffs.

  23. Adde 2 more chapters, Sorry for the quick sweep between events, won't happen again because I lost 4 chapters and had to re-do it and didn't feel like going into great detail again, I may remove the spartan parts and continue the story without having the character being a spartan, I'll copy and paste chapter 4 if you think a superhuman spartan will do good, or if I should keep with the peace? your decision
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