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Everything posted by Minuette

  1. Rest in pieces Le Derp KIng 1956-2012 Derpy says nothing.
  2. lol, very similar to my spartan, he can go on deep space missions and hardened armor to protect him from reentry from orbit
  3. Lol....he was trolling, you have a problem with that?
  4. You could of been nice and blurred out the bad word.... D: you make me sick twilight sparkle. 4 YEARS DUNGEON IMMEDIATLY!
  5. Uploaded 3 videos today! heres a remake because sn4zzle complained http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7sg_0AEsNo and then heres kind of a comedic one which was suppose to have "you are a pirate" at the end but forgot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCAFTjEBo0M this one has my voice in it, there was a recording error in the second one for idk but the first voice thing I did was hard on my throat to be honest XD

  6. its amazing, you said you were thirteen and you look like 15 or the camera may be at a weird angle....
  7. Just got myself a microphne, now to record some scenes with the new map/fixed map, and wait till night to record my voice so no one is talking and the tv is off :D

  8. It's very interesting, you should make a story about him like your personal story not a published one, I love it
  9. just got back from batman and then by sister ruined my tritton headset then mr. payne tried to fix the word tritton to triton but then failed because it is tritton. He He He interesting day today

  10. Welcome back twilighty! even though i've been playing with you so it's no suprise plus renting apartments and such is getting more and more expensive, you aren't the only one.
  11. Hope you comes back soon Azaxx you were my favorite brony australian i'll miss you
  12. My mind hurts from yesterday.. I did too many things that are productive.

    1. Quantum
    2. SuperIntendant


      I'm postponing the productive things to the very end of summer, the same as every year.

  13. I can always hear if someones charging a pistal plus on reach they lowered the tracking on the pp so I am pretty sure people won't be over using the pp
  14. I contribute nothing! ever never ever shout, I contribute nothing! (Double i contribute nothing)
  15. Okay this is a game where I start off with a movie or game quote, its kinda of hard if you think about it, and then you reply with another quote from a movie or a game, it does have to make since with the one above it or it has to follow it. like a conversation but with quotes. Example Azaxx:" Okie Dokie Lokie" -pinkie pie TheDarkestHour: "can't hear ya, I'm asleep" -Apple jack If you can totally not find a quote or line from a movie, you can make a Line breaking the conversation apart and creating a new one, if i do find a quote that goes with it and you broke the conversation. i'll kick your through the computer. But seriously truly try to find a movie quote and don't just break the conversation. Oh and one more thing please list the quotes origins. you can also look up corresponding quotes if you're having trouble. Have fun! By the way, its a hard and time consuming game, but if you're good with quotes, it'll be easy (I use lots of soundboards so i know a lot) I'll start "You stole my donuts, know you are all going to pay!" -Postal dude
  16. Hmmmmmm....hmmmmmmmmmm.uuuuuuuuhh, I'd proballlllllllllyy say about uummmm hmmmmmmm uuuuh Around 20 or so in big team battle
  17. I am totally buying these when I pick up my copy of Halo 4 so I can immerse myself in the sound without my mother yellingat me to let the dogs out
  18. I love the whole game of halo 4, well I loved every game, hardly had a doubt about, its cool that you are more indepth to what your spartan looks like, the inner plating and backback thingy and so much more. The campaign will be sweet, and I will actually finally spend sometime in forge because it got easier!
  19. I confess for annoying 2 little innocent children trying to play a good game of call of duty 4, they also sinned for being very vulgar at me. I am sorry the children I laughed at and annoyed.
  20. Congradulations for the new staff job thingies, Undead and um egyptianghetto
  21. Duh Duh Duh! Fight Fight Fight! *realizes he's in the high council* Uh Bach just stop trying to get in trouble and making fun of other people, you are such a loudmouth, what did max payne ever do to you?
  22. Forward unto dawn= older than you think spirit of fire=missing in action, GET BACK IN ACTION Pillar of autumn- destroyed in less than 2 months Infinity=not destroyed, and was fixed afterwards Savanah= unknown age Amber clad=unknown age
  23. Being nice takes a heart of gold and a person with compassion and kindness. Even though I have no idea where this status update is going......Unicorn. You are now confuzzled.

    1. Azaxx


      pegasus is better than unicorn

    2. Minuette


      Look at my profile, minuette is a unicorn duh

    3. Azaxx


      but fluttershy is best, everypony knows that xD

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