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Everything posted by Minuette

  1. How about when you pay for a used game, the retailer gives a new activation code.....
  2. If Sarah Palmer dies and Halsey lives... I'm perfectly fine with that

  3. His insides were blown up by a grenade.... Unless is DNA was cloned.....
  4. Hmmm. I thought it was you, I'll just have to find someone else
  5. Pre-ordering Slender: The Arrival! Can't wait till March baby!

    1. Barack Obama

      Barack Obama

      I haven't heard of this...

    2. Minuette


      These forums only report on Xbox related news. So if you didn't have the right people then no.

    3. Barack Obama
  6. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/10201-halo-machinama-eternal-night-series/ Just updated. Cleaned out everything that was there before. If you're interested in being in a machinima click it!
  7. *listens half way through it. Ears start bleeding* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I'm not a big fan on this kind of music. I would never be able to listen to the whole thing
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxcnrVxt8_c&feature=youtu.be Syko and I should never sing again......
    1. GryffinGuy007


      My ear-drums are bleeding.

    2. SykoWolf


      God timing is off completely, someone kill us now D:

  9. Minecraft? You mean the game that is sort of hard/buggy to play on my computer? When I can run high-end games on max settings? Yea, I heard of it. And I have it
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpZsfpCgIDM&feature=youtu.be My Demo Reel :D Need to use a larger array of voices though
    1. SykoWolf


      You shall be Famous Bro :D

  11. Come on! My favorite game of all time. But oh well, I know that the wait will be repaid
  12. Crysis 3 Ultra settings = 27-30 FPS on my computer while recording. I'm happy :D

  13. I believe my recent Fan-Fiction "Insanity" Is probably the most messed up story I have ever made. But awesomely developed

  14. Says I passed the recommended settings for Crysis 3..... Looks like I'm getting Crysis 3 on PC!

  15. Oh fudge my xbox live gold ended today..... I'm a little bit in a money gambit right now -_-

    1. HappehNinja


      Welcome to the club. Thought, additionally I'm not allowed to touch it this semester...

  16. Hope it's good. These kinds of stories have to use lots of details to feel engaging other than the actiony ones.
  17. Too many people reaching high posts so fast. I'm still at what? 700? I've been here almost for 2 years! You'll reach 1K in no time at the point you're posting at
  18. *cough* When chief put her in the ships node thing and The Didact destroyed it, she herself could of merged with it *cough* Halo without Cortana is not Halo. It would make a lot of people upset if they did not bring her back.
  19. Spyro..... Need Spyro! *Buys PS2 and grabs all the copies of Spyro* I missed you.

    1. SykoWolf


      :D I love Spyro..Best game ever :3
    2. Minuette


      I always loved that game. The feel of it was awesome but since the gaming industry is moving on those types of graphics won't be used anymore. D:

    3. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      thats a old spyo youre getting

  20. I would fade the sides of the picture (343i logo) So it would look much nicer or vector out the background...... Just my thoughts.
  21. No. If it's banned than they won't even try and help you. Sorry bud
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