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Everything posted by Minuette

  1. Troll A kid trolls people on the internet and it's up to the other people to stop them. If it means all out trolling...... Directed by: Michael Bay Screenplay by: A fat kid Homeless guy Geeks Nerds
  2. 15 videos and 423 subscribers? Somethings Fishy
  3. Halo 3 was best Halo to make machinimas in....... That's why I still do it!

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hoYzgJ0tQM Some may call me weird..... I consider myself a great video editor *Iron Man 3 trailer reference*
  5. Jurassic park 4 confirmed! Sweet! Plus Slender the Arrival is coming out early 2013....... But Jurassic park comes out June 13th 2014 -_-

  6. My video got posted (featured) on EQD Even if it's not a single post I'm so blown away it's hard just to think! yay for me!

  7. I probably won't and spend the money I have on getting more watts and a better graphics card for my computer. But maybe, I might buy the xbox, only when Halo 5 comes out on it
  8. Member shoutouts and special guests have been our main plan of the podcasts. We just need to figure out how will we choose the special guests
  9. Ooooh got an awesome idea for one of those epic trailer things that fans make. Going to take a while

  10. No, but in spirit yes. Ummmm........ Sarge?
  11. The world is sick and we are the doctors.

    1. SykoWolf
    2. A71william


      I am a doctor with my unorthodox methods...

  12. Redid my signature. Need to fix the opacity slider on Octavia and my name. A little bit to hard to see

  13. WOW! I played Planetside 2 and now 4 hours have passed.... That game is addicting

    1. Caboose The Ace

      Caboose The Ace

      thats what happens when i was little i played lego indiana jones all day lol

    2. SykoWolf
    3. Azaxx
  14. Last one I took sucked. How 'bout another? Lmfao Kept the glasses though. I wear aviators now. Aviators are cool
  15. That's actually pretty good.
  16. http://i1199.photobucket.com/albums/aa475/DDHGaming/DSCF0005_zpsa40faafa.jpg Mr. Sexy :D Need a pop filter that actually fits comfortably on the boom stand. I can now say "This is my boomstick!"
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rd9-ATW6Z-c&feature=youtu.be That is the final product. Just need syko to eliminate the background noise
  18. Yeah. I made a test, I'll have it up in a bit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3Sp1R22KEc&feature=youtu.be Details of the test/ things I changed the settings around so it wouldn't record my voice through fraps (I wont talk in the podcasts only when my name is drawn) When I use fraps to record my voice it plugs it from Skype so I'll be the only one using audacity........... I'll have to fullscreen the skype conference and not click out of it. That is what is causing the clips to split and start a whole new one That's about it. Everything is going great. Sykowolf either needs a better mic or it was the connection (I did have like 3 things uploading at that time)
  19. You're making this way harder than it sounds. Basically I take my Fraps recorder and record the conversation. I've done it many times. Then I mute the video (not the audio) and add something over it. Easy as pie The connection just has to be fast/medium. If it's slow then no XD (I can record the podcasts, it doesn't require me to talk only when i say it's recording) Oh and you're find with those microphones just not the cheap ones that sound like you're an AI. I use a Blue Yeti microphone
  20. I would totally be up for it. I'd totally like to be in one too XD But there are a couple of things that we have to figure out before we do this Conference call hoster Connectivity (If you have a crappy connection all together it ain't going to sound good Good quality microphones (Need a good microphone or else it would just be a pain to listen) The person who records (I can if you need me) Oh and the downfall of everyone. Stay on topic. Staying on topic is important for these types of podcasts. No immediate subject changers, you'll need a nice bridge into another topic.
  21. Well I'm going to be up all night editing my POV of the playdate. Adding in funny rage sounds and things to make it more enojyable

    1. SykoWolf


      Tell me when its done ^^

    2. Minuette


      Already have it rendering

    3. SykoWolf
  22. Congratz SykoWolf! Too bad he won't be back for a couple of hours

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