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  1. They aren't useless, I still use them to scale walls or rocks or to get to higher ground faster.
  2. Ya I imagine I'll still find a few cool hiding spots that aren't soft walled but I don't think I'll be joining HLG. You can back up and hide at LOTS of places on that map (and other maps as well) to let your shields recharge (it's not unfair) - like that big hill in the center of the map, or any other rock on the map. Besides, if someone was shooting you from a banshee or from the side (like where the cave is) they could easily kill you while you're wide open, without cover, on the open surface of the cliff - like I said before, it's a nice vantage point but being on top of it doesn't make you invincible. There has to be another reason, right?
  3. There are two small cliffs on Ragnarok that you can easily get on top of (with a jet-pack of banshee for example) but once you get on top of them you are given the 10 second countdown before you are instantly killed. Here is one of the cliffs, on the left side of the image, the other cliff is on the other side of the map. Why are we not allowed on top of them? It's so easy to get on top and gives a nice vantage point, but enemies can still easily shoot us, it's not like it's some secrete place that gives us invincibility. I miss the halo 2 maps where I could get to nice little vantage points with a bit of skillful jumping without being instantly killed, it adds more fun to the maps
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