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Edgar Allen Pwn

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Everything posted by Edgar Allen Pwn

  1. I totally agree with the OP, armor abilities are one of the many things that made Reach trail in the dust of how fun and well made H3 was. -Armor lock is too good to be spawned with and repeatedly used. -Drop shield is too good to be spawned with and repeatedly used. -Jet-packs are too good to be spawned with and repeatedly used. -Camo is nerfed to the point of unusability... let us pick up good camo instead of spawning with garbage camo. -Sprint should have just been a default ability rather than something you have to choose. -Evade is same as sprint; it should be a default ability for Elites. -Hologram is the sole AA that is perfectly balanced and fine. So please, 343, don't eff this up. Returning to the time-tested, well balanced system in which abilities have to be picked up rather than spawned with will save Halo 4's MP from the horror that was Reach.
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