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Jackal (2/19)



  1. this is really the only fix that is needed. the range on it is just a bit much. I have been one hit by it at ranges that not even the shotgun would have gotten the job done.
  2. It has a greater one hit kill range than the shotgun and scattershot. fixing that would be a good start.
  3. I assure you this is not one of those times. I really did nothing that is deserving of this, unless I am forgetting something, I never said anything all that bad. You know what, I don't know if i am actually banned. I am able to chat in game, but don't know if that is because I am in a party and switched over to game chat. I feel kinda foolish for making this topic without testing it out, I guess I was kind of just taken aback when I saw the msg. Oh well, thanks for the replies, any way.
  4. thanks, I appreciate the help. even a ban for cursing is pretty silly, but honestly, none of this applies to me, as I have talked so little through in game chat that for me to be banned is ridicilous.
  5. complaining? you mean if i got killed or something? thats total BS if thats the case, i mean, who doesn't occasionally voice their frustration if they have been killed? and chasing? you mean finishing off a kill? So really this proves nothing except the system is terribly flawed if a group of people can get someone banned out of nothing but spite.
  6. I just got a message saying I was banned from chatting in-game though I have never violated any of the terms of service or any of the rules. Most of the time when I am in a game I am in party chat. I don't even have my mic plugged in half the time I play online and I have never said anything sexist, racist, or derogatory in any sense of the word. I am really confused and frustrated by this ban and lack of information surrounding why I may have been banned. Does anyone know who to contact concerning this?
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