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Everything posted by Jackanory

  1. @ Grunt Ultra Just over a thousand kills more than deaths, 1150'ish without actually putting the game back in the xbox
  2. I don't agree, for a first game they should be imprisoned for theft and be forbidden to make a new game. They have taken thousands of peoples cash for a piece of ****. They should never have been allowed to release a first game with this quality. It is unplayable and people get kills by shooting the guy BEHIND them. The programming (game mechanics) are the worst that have ever been released for halo and any other wargame on the market. They are useless as game creators.
  3. @ Nmalthus, You are almost correct, i like war games, i just HATE THIS LATEST MICROSOFT BAGO****, we have all the MW amongst others and i loved halo up to 3. Reach and halo 4 are just money spinning releases for the stupid (me included i bought 2) people that will swallow anything that they are told or think because its new its better, usually gullable kids and not people my age. I done all the campaigns on legendary, and this time round because of multiplayer i can't find the interest in playing the campaign. With Halo i have always been a slayer player, running after a flag or a bomb is just (in my opinion) ridiculous. Even my son who is an avid player thinks that halo 4 is already cheated out because there are so many discrepencies on who kills who and how. Some things in game are just crazy, and its obviouse that there is a serious problem behind the programming. I seriously think that microsoft should open their eyes, pull their fingers out of there arseholes and wake up, they are employing idiots to make games, or its just an outright ripoff and gates should be held for responsable. Why should a big multinational have the right to release a game that doesn't work correctly. In fact i think there should be some form of consumer protection which prevents any game being sold untill fully tested for ALL bugs and problematic gameplay. Why should the world be satisified with a game that works more or less. Especially at 60/70 $.
  4. @ Azaxx All you did was knock this guy and say he is useless at the game and at the end the only thing (you thought) usefull to say was the quote above. This game has only been out for a few weeks and you are able to spurt that much trash. I agree with the original poster and more than 100%, you are just a fast mouthed (i bet 12 year old) idiot, that has no idea about games and their creation and the progamming behind. Microsoft should have stopped at Halo 3, because reach is just a fancy looking piece of crap and Halo 4 is even worse. The rocket launcher is useless, the grenades DON'T have any power, and make a choice, its the magnum or the DMR thats the most powerfull. With all you said, i think you would be better off playing with a barbie doll cos you know jack about game creation.
  5. We have Halo wars, halo 1,2,3 reach and now 4. In fact i just bought 2 brand new XBOXs and 2 copies of Halo 4, 1 for the living room and the other for our sons room. I HAVE NEVER FELT SO RIPPED OFF IN MY ENTIRE LIFE (all 44 years of it). Halo Reach and bungie killed the halo series with its crap connections (p2p) system and its ridiculously stupid non existant matchmaking, making games either winable hands down or loosable hands down, obviously anyone could see that one team allways had the advantage over the other with around 20 kills apart, very rare was an evenly balanced game, which in turn made the game fun. Halo 4 and 343i have just made sure that the halo series is finally dead and buried and the final nails are solidly hammered down. 343i haven't even thanked the world for the cash that everyone gave them in exchange for a useless piece of dog poo! This has to be the worse game i have ever played, the matchmaking is even worse than reach and you either win or loose with an even larger difference in the scores, than with reach. Usually there is 1 person who has around 25 to 30 kills and everyone else has under 10. You can see that you are clearly shooting someone in the head, even the playback shows this, and they are not taking a single hit. Suddenly you die and watch the killcam to see that you have just been killed by a single bullet that somehow hit you after being fired around 5 meters to the left or right of your foot. It is stupidly over the top. My son on Halo 3 and reach was averaging 20 kills has never had it so hard. He had a (maybe lucky) game on his first or second game on H4 and got 38 kills which proves my point about the winning or loosing hands down. The only thing about reach that was good were the textures and the assasination animations, and that is all. Halo is pretty and thats all it has going for it. Forge sucks as there is no real open ground to build what you want, the animations are jumpy and look like old cartoon animations that are missing a few frames (half at least) and it looks as though kids have made it. Joining a game, is the biggest load of old trash (trash, sorry i am trying to speak american rather than English, its not easy when you don't now all the invented words in an american dictionary) you join a game that is almost at the end and are 9 times out of 10 on the loosing team. Why have how many games won in the stats when you join a loosing team. It goes against all logic. The final words. Microsoft should stop the gaming industry and concentrate on getting windows to work correctly after all these years and developing and upgrading their technology such as the new tablet (another screw up, with a basic W8, have to wait until next year or go for a Samsung) 343i should be legaly forced to rembourse everyone they have ripped off with this piece of jumped up copy conform of other games, and imprisoned for theft. I wonder how many people actually fell for this ripoff and simply gave their hard earned cash to this bunch of thieves. If you are reading this as a newcomer don't buy the game its as jumpy as hell and the game play is just screwed. You will regret it.
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