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Helkin Munoz

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Hey, I know 343 has heard about the recent problems players are having with the game disc, I'm sure its not our Xbox being old or out dated, because its been said countless times by many players that cleaning the laser did not help, the disc is still in good condition seeing how the game is still very new, And most of the rebooting and resetting hard drives doesn't work either. Some players have even returned their discs, gained new ones from the store and Still had the issue. Unrecognized discs is just the 70%, Some people have issues with the disconnecting and crashing/Freezing during Campaign or multiplayer War Games/ Spartan Ops. Does 343/Microsoft plan to remake Halo 4 discs and ensure all players can return their faulty or 'problemed' discs for new working ones? Or whats exactly is their approach to this unexpected situation. Its going to have to make some changes if it wants to keep up with black ops. I still prefer halo but hey, if i cant play it. I'm sure i wont be the only one switching. Now to leave off on my honest opinion, 343, Amazing job on the game. Definitely living up to its expectations and it hasn't let me down, Great campaign continuation, Great with weekly spartan ops episodes, The armors are great, the multi player gameplay is also really addictive, All in all I'm happy i paid for the game. Always loved halo, Been playing it since it first came out. If any 'forumers' can help guide me to the question/Answers, Or Forum Mods, Or just people want to relate,leave a comment, Feel free, Will be checking this until the question is answered by a qualified Homo Sapien/ AI :3 Or heck, Even a Spartan III [Oh and dont take me as being a whiner or complainer, im just taking what i read, bunching up and trying to find one answer that everyone can refer to, I love the game still, Always will love the franchise.] Thank you :3
  2. I wonder if ANYONE kept the same GT for 10 years because i can imagine that's the only way they'll know for sure who's been on Xbox Live for 10 years.
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