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Everything posted by xiloscient

  1. It wasn't my idea, it was a friend who 'missed' a shot and told me to run in. It didn't even kill me, though I was about to die.
  2. I know this thread is over, at least the entertaining part before everyone became friends, but I thought I could add something. From my perspective, you can do two things that are reasonable, you can feel bad about not getting that candy, or you can say to yourself, **** happens, and go get more candy For unreasonable things to do, you could hire a private investigator. Then once you find them.... Also, assassination can be strategic, it prevents the enemy from respawning until the animation finishes, if you think that instant respawns are unfair that is, which I don't. Showstoppering by sticky detonatering a teammate and telling them to run into a room full of enemies backwards, is more fun then an assassination, just fyi. I only made up three words for this post
  3. This has been said, but if you really hate JIP then play with a full party. If you like replacing your team when people quit or always having the teams with the same number of players, then flame whoever started this topic. 343i doesn't care. If anyone from 343i does care, something much more important is implementing a new fish like weapon, see right >>
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