@ Fernin and others
First of all the DMR is OP, there is no question about it.
The DMR is good at long range (obviously), medium range, and ... close range. Yes close range. The BR is terrible at long range (kickback, bullet spread), OK at medium range, and good at close range.
I'm really not sure where you are coming from but you need to get off the DMR's ****. I have played all of the Halos and recently a lot of Reach. Yes I have used the DMR extensively in Reach because it was the only good gun (and maybe the alien version). But the DMR is not Halo and will never be. Really the majority of Halo combat has always taken place at mid-range (except sniper).
Either: a) You've never player Halo 2 or 3 (which are the "original Halo MP" and are really what made Halo a great online game). And what were the best weapons in Halo 2 and 3 and made it such a great game .... THE BATTLE RIFLE (and sniper).
You were probably not good with the BR/Sniper and are a bitter about spending so much time getting tea-bagged.
So now comes along your savior... the DMR.... now you can 'sit back' and camp with your DMR with sniper like abilities and get headshots across the map without even trying to aim... it's laughable
Oh, and about the 1.6 sec killtime of both weapons (this is a horrible argument on your part; it seems like you just like to throw numbers around to sound smart) that is only if all of the BR's 3 bullets hit the target. The DMR only needs one bullet to land.
Possible Solutions: (1) increase shield takedown of DMR to 5 shots (instead of 4), (2) decrease DMR rate of fire, increase DMR bloom, (3) increasing bloom (so players have to actually pace their shots instead of spamming the trigger like you can now, get rid of BR's kickback (honestly we're talking about SPARTANS here they should be able to hold a gun steady and this would help mid/long-range.
Also about AR's ..... were obviously put in Halo games to troll noobs.... nobody in their right mind would want to use and AR (they just take ZERO skill)